24.1: Dancing into the Storm

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The pumping inside my chest became faster and faster to point that I'm very much exhilarated. It was madly accompanied by this thunderous thudding sound that my ears could only hear. I guess this was all because I'm happy that I finally found Ambrose Haylock after a whole week of desperately missing him. I'm perfectly aware that I'm exhausted from the trip that I had from school all the way to Ambrose's house and then the ride here. Even the running that I did consumed much energy. Despite of that, it felt like the exhaustion was all washed away by the sight of Ambrose. It felt like seeing him was some kind of pill that just healed everything in me. The thudding sound in my chest seemed to grow louder and louder almost like a bass drum as I take my step closer.

"Ambrose! Thank God, I finally found you here." I yelled with such excitement as I continued to take a step. The rush of relief was beginning to smack in the face that I was smiling from ear to ear. "Are you going to jump from there?" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I don't know why I asked that when I'm fully aware that he loves to dive from the top of the that huge boulder down towards the deeper part of the river. Ambrose blatantly ignored my question as if I don't exist at all. He was just watching me approach from where he was standing.

I had to blink three or four times when I realized he was actually bald. I know I'm clearly seeing him fully naked and I can see his soft shaft hanging in between his ripped legs with a few hair covering the balls, but that's already given because he came here to swim. I rubbed my eyes for a quick moment and then I leaned a bit forward to get a closer and clearer vision of him. He was really bald and to see his iconic mullet gone, his appearance seemed to change drastically.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He spat seemingly unhappy that I came all the way here just to find him. I felt a soft pang in my chest hearing him shut me like he never admitted his feelings towards.

"I came here to see you." I replied still keeping my voice loud so he could hear me.

I finally got to where he left his clothes and stopped. I began wondering whether I should strip naked too or should I just wait for him to approach me. Setting my eyes on him for the first time in several days was really making my heart jump. I've never missed someone like this before in my life, except for my mother. God knows how much I missed my mother but this was hell of a different variant. Perhaps the fact that I needed to fix something between us made the feeling even more profound.

August might still be pissed at me for everything that happened but that's the whole point of why I came here in the very first place. I came here to iron the crease in our budding friendship. I came here to resuscitate and breathe a second life to this thing. This was the moment that I'm going to tell him I'm ready. This was the chance for me to grab this opportunity of a high school romance.

I ended up stripping my clothes and hopefully join him in a matter of seconds. I took my suit and my shirt off and eventually pulled my pants down until I was wearing nothing but my underwear. The late afternoon breeze brushed by and I shivered for a quick moment. I remembered the last time I was here with Ambrose and it was probably the beginning of everything. The little spark that jumpstarted our connection was conjured in this very place. I recalled the fact that this place calm's Ambrose down in every single possible way. I thought this spot was the perfect spot for me to have a deep and serious conversation with him without having to baby him.

Should I take my underwear off as well? I asked myself but then I felt like it's going overboard. If Ambrose was swimming fully naked, shaft hanging out just like a low hanging fruit, it doesn't automatically mean that I should be fully naked too. It doesn't mean that I have to show my low hanging fruit too. I'm not even comfortable in my average body. Ambrose had the best ripped body that I've ever seen in my life. I've seen hot dudes in magazines and in photos but it's way different when you're seeing it in person.

"Don't jump quite yet," I yelled at Ambrose. He was still standing at the top of the rock but this time he was covering his meat using both of his hands. "I'm going to head up there."

I did not wait for him to answer. I know he was still playing the ignoring game and I'm going to put an end to that. Whether he likes it or not, I'm going to make him talk, I'm going to force him to have a conversation with me. I began walking until I was already climbing the boulder. However, by the time I reached the top, Ambrose had already jumped down.

"Jesus, Ambrose! Are you seriously still ignoring me?" I cried staring at him down below. He was floating with such ease and I can see all of the wonders of his body.

"I don't want to talk to you." Ambrose trailed in a very deadpan manner.

"You are talking to me now." I replied trying to put a bit of humor just to make the conversation a bit lighter.

"I'm not."

"You've been missing school. What happened? What's going on?" I began to proceed on asking him questions. I know it's the only way for him to talk.

"Why do you even care?" He bellowed.

"Because I care for you."

"No you don't." He spat and he was already beginning to sound like a jerk.

"I really do."

"If you do care about me, then you should prove it."


"I want you to jump from there." Ambrose ordered and I already don't like the idea.

"What the?" I was about to protest but Ambrose really wants me to prove that I really do care about him. I know I can't swim and this was a bit scary but I really have to do this just to make him believe that I'm not talking shit.

"What now?" He spat growing impatient.

"Fine." I spat and before I know it, I already jumped without even trying to muster enough courage.

The impact got my back and it stung for a while. Thankfully I did not jump down over the deeper part. With just a few horrible waddle, I quickly reached the part where my feet could touch the river floor. My heart was racing in nervousness as I walked and dragged myself to the shallower part. I turned my head around and I can't see Ambrose anywhere.

"I don't think that's enough." I heard him speak and the volume of his voice sounded far. I turned my head around and I saw him back at the top of the boulder.

"What do you mean this isn't enough?" I asked and then I realized that he was just messing with me. "You're just messing with me."

Ambrose ignored me once again and I was forced to walk back towards the riverbank and back to the boulder. I climbed up again and the same exact thing happened. Ambrose jumped down by the time I got up.

"What's wrong with you, Ambrose?" I yelled at him as he floated down below. "I'm really trying to talk to you."

"What's wrong with you?" Ambrose volleyed my question back to me and it only sounded like he's an eight-year-old stubborn kid.

"Now you're just asking the same question I'm asking you." I muttered.

Ambrose did not give me any kind of response. This was starting to get annoying and maybe this was what he meant when he said he doesn't know how to talk. I sat at the very edge of the boulder and watched him swim for a while. The silence was wild but I was already beginning to think of ways on how to handle the situation.

"Hey, I'm thinking of ending things with Rachel." I spat almost out of the blue. That's not what's going through my mind but it came out the way it came out.

"Oh yeah, you're just thinking about it though." Ambrose mouthed not wanting to believe what had just come out of my mouth.

"No, I'm really going to do it."

"I don't believe you."

"Are you for real, Ambrose? I came here to find you and talk to you and you're just going to shut me down every time I say something." I'm already beginning to grow upset and I know I shouldn't be upset.

"Did you really think I wanted you to come here? Fuck, no. I came here to find some peace for myself and I don't even want you here. I don't even want to fucking see you or even talk to you." Ambrose's tone just turned intense much to my surprise. I can feel he was pissed and I was confused and hurt at the very same time.

Ambrose swam back to the riverbank and before I could even speak, he wasalready putting on his underwear.

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