CHAPTER 2: The Losers' Club

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"That guy?!" I huffed in disappointment. I'm sure that Ambrose guy is not the only good-looking guy around here, but I'd be damned if I don't let the gayness deep inside of me scream in total madness.

I have been around the city of Highmont throughout my sixteen years of existence, and while good-looking boys are everywhere to be found, I haven't really met someone that's as striking as this Ambrose guy.

"Mhmm. He's nothing but trouble." Mary nodded and continued talking bad things about Ambrose as she was leading the way to who knows where but I just wasn't listening to her. My head is somewhere else, and I thought I could steal one last glance at that beautiful creature.

I paused for a while and looked back. Ambrose just had a chest bump with another guy, and I got the chance to look at him. I don't know if he saw me staring at him, but he looked back at me and smiled.

Jesus F. Christ!

I felt my cheeks blush for a moment, and I immediately looked away before I could even lose my shit. That Ambrose guy just smiled at me. Holy mother of Christ! If I was an ice cube, I would've melted right away.

"No one wants to mess with him." Mary spat as a conclusion of her thoughts about Ambrose.

"You talk like he's a terrible person." I spat, pretending that I'd heard everything negative that she said.

"He is. If he's not visiting the guidance counselor's office, he's visiting the school clinic." Mary said and paused. "Also," She turned around and pointed her finger at me. "Terrible is an understatement. I'd say he's the worst!"

"Well, then I don't want to mess with him either." I babbled. "Uhm, where are we heading, by the way?" I asked, wondering where the hell is she taking me to. I still haven't opened my locker, but I guess I could do that later.

Mary continued walking, and I didn't even know why I was following her when I literally just met her. I'm sure I can take care of myself, but I guess I won't lose anything if I hang out with her today. She's a walking teapot, and this is going to be very beneficial to me. I don't even have to ask anything, but she will spill all the tea.

We were now outside the main building walking towards the school park. Some are hanging out with their respective circles, and some are just couples publicly displaying their affection. There are few tables made out of stone spread throughout the lush scenery of the park serving as a hangout lounge.

"This will be your welcoming committee," Mary uttered as she led me to one of the tables occupied by two guys who looked bored.

"Welcoming committee?"

"August, these are my friends!" Mary chirped enthusiastically. "This is Rock," She pointed at the guy wearing a red bonnet.

"Oh great, Mary! You brought another loser to this club." Rock blurted.

When I heard the word loser, my head cursed in four different languages. This isn't what I'm expecting to be my welcoming committee. I was already thinking of ditching them right at this moment, but I'm not that much of a terrible person. Even though I haven't been in a losers' club before, I have been a loser myself.

"Shut up, Rock!" Mary scowled at him.

"And this is Gustav," Pointing at the other guy, Mary switched faces from gritting her teeth to smiling.

"Hi guys, I'm August," I said, introducing myself with a little bit of a forced smile.

I'm sure these guys already know my name from that early fiasco that I got myself into. That's probably the main reason why Rock thinks that Mary brought another loser to join their club.

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