24.10: Dancing into the Storm

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The impact was just as tolerable, nothing really serious to be worried about. Perhaps it's because I've had enough alcohol that it basically numbed the actual pain that I'm supposed to feel. I can't even feel the hard and cold floor like there's something wrong with my sense of feel.

"Fuck. I...I'm so sorry, August!" Ambrose came running to where I was thrown behind the couch. "I didn't mean to shove you like that. I'm so sorry." He was now the one who's in panic mode which made me think he never really meant to do that. It was just a normal reaction and I guess I was just fragile and weak enough that I was thrown with just an effortless action. It's as if I'm just a soft pillow that was thrown around. "Are you alright, August? Fuck. Do I need to get some ice or something?" Ambrose was already crouching as he was trying to check on me but he clearly doesn't know what to do.

I pretended as if I can't get up because of the impact. I was even making some kind of facial expression as if I was in so much pain and it only raised Ambrose's worry level.

"Fuck. I'm really sorry." Ambrose stood up and he was already grabbing his head like he did something really bad. He's probably thinking that he'd hurt me so bad when in fact, I was just playing with him. The impact was just nothing serious so much to my surprise.

I stayed still on my position seemingly writhing in pain while still observing Ambrose's reaction to what he just did. I don't even want to make a serious fit about this and this was my humorous way of coping up with what happened. I was just trying to stop him from chugging that much whiskey and to even think of it, I was the whole reason behind it. I should've just let Rachel speak up instead of hanging up on her. I should've just let her disagree with my decision, but what can I do, I've already made up my mind. I don't even want to talk to her anymore because I'm more than satisfied that I'm hanging out with Ambrose.

I noticed Ambrose slapped the wall as if he was checking the solidity of the material. He let out an inaudible curse and was about to punch the wall. I guess that was his own natural response to situations like this, and that became the signal that I have to break out from my act.

"HAHAHAHA." I let out a hysterical burst of laughter. I quickly propped myself up and grabbed Ambrose's arm before he could even hurt himself by punching the wall. "I'm just playing with you. Why do you have to be hard on yourself and punch the wall?"

"Jesus, August!" Ambrose's critical worried facial expression quickly changed to a breath of relief.

"You have to chill, my man." I huffed still chuckling from the act that I made. I don't even know what's funny when it's pretty much obvious that what I did was a bad joke. A horrible one. Especially when it's Ambrose that I'm trying to prank. He was quick to result to a violent reaction which shouldn't be the case. If it was someone else, they wouldn't even go as far as punching the wall as they blamed themselves.

"Fuck you." Ambrose cursed out and was already beginning to smile.

"I got you on that one huh."

"Don't ever do that to me again." Ambrose trailed and I can sense the seriousness gritting in his tone. I was quite shocked when he yanked me over and now he was hugging me tight. I immediately felt the heat coming off from his body brought about by the alcohol. "You scared the shit out of me." He added making me feel sorry for him.

I hugged him back. Tight, like I never ever want to let go. I snaked both of my arms around his back and I could feel his chest beating. We stayed in this position for about a few minutes and I could totally sense Ambrose was basking in the moment. The feeling of intimacy and comfort was just there more than I could ever imagine it.

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