24.3: Dancing into the Storm

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I tried to breathe the pain away. Ambrose's kick wasn't that powerful purely because I've received more kick from him and this was by far, the softest of them all. Despite of that, the kick still hit the bulls' eye of my hollow stomach and I'm not even wearing anything to begin with. I had to flinch for a short moment but I tried not to show any signs of weakness. I centered my focal point at Ambrose and I instantly saw the upcoming storm named typhoon Ambrose. His glare was filled with so much intensity and that was more than enough for me to know that he's about to go on a rampage.

I already forgot about the fighting days between me and Ambrose. That was months and months ago and after he confessed his feelings towards me, I became extra confident to let go of that memory. Letting of the bad memory was certainly a bad idea on my part but I'm not going to regret. I'm here to do dance right in the middle of the storm that was Ambrose.

Before the storm inside of him starts to wreak havoc, I already lunged myself back towards him. I kissed him for the second time, highly hoping that it would tame the strong winds of emotion swirling inside of him. I was aggressive with my take and I sucked his lower lip like I've been deprived of it for years. I cupped the back of his head and somehow, it felt weird that the mullet's gone for real. He kissed me back unsurprisingly and this time, I felt his tongue and lips sucking mine. We are both sucking each other's lips hard, even way harder than the first time. I felt Ambrose's hand gripped my neck and it felt hot to me. I was already starting to lower the unprecedented defense inside of me as we both let our mouth play with each other. The breeze was gently caressing through the open air but I began to feel the heat of this interaction. I don't have any idea what's going to happen next but I was flabbergasted that Ambrose stopped promptly. That was the moment that Ambrose decided this wasn't happening.

He moved away from the kiss just like how he did earlier but this time he wiped his lips as if kissing me was the most disgusting thing in the world. He turned his back on me and stared at the open sky.

"So that's it?" I opened up in an attempt to break the tension and silence.

"Fuck!!!!" He screamed above the sky and it created an echo.

"Are you ready to talk?" I poked in my attempt to jumpstart the conversation that I came here for.

"Stop doing this to me, August." He spat and I don't understand why he said that when he seemed like he wanted that kiss to happen.

"Stop doing what?" I spat my confusion out.

He did not reply to my question. There was a brief whip of silence until he decided to turn around and face me and he was crying again. My heart pumped a beat and I don't understand why he was crying but my heart was melting. I began to inch my way towards him and he began to inch his way to meet me halfway. I thought the violence had finally ended seconds ago but he pushed my chest, not that forceful but strong enough that I had to take a step back. He followed my path while still pushing me until we were both on the water.

I'm having a hard time understanding Ambrose today. He was like an endless puzzle and I'm just not getting the code to solve the puzzle. This should not be happening because I should be the understanding one. One second he was kissing me back and the next thing I know, he was pushing and hurting me.

He was like thunderstorm. The occasional rumbles and gloomy clouds are the thoughts inside his head, and the torrential rain was him lunging with rage.

"Stop pushing me," I warned him but he continued pushing my chest and I'm afraid that if he continued doing this, we are going to reach the deepest part of the river and I know I can't swim properly.

I don't know what went through my mind but I believe I had lost control for the first time. I clenched my fist and gathered enough strength before eventually punching him right in the face. It almost sent him on the ground but he was fit enough to regain control of his balance in just a quick motion. He ignored my punch and resumed pushing my chest as if nothing happened. He doesn't even look like he received some damage from my punch. Am I that much of weakling or he's just reached the point of numbness that he can't feel physical pain anymore?

I grabbed both of his hands and shoved it away as I subsequently punched him in the face for the second time. This time I made sure that he doesn't get the chance to reset and get back to pushing me. I punched him in the chest as a quick follow up. He finally stopped from moving forward. He stood frozen and he was just staring at me which was utterly alarming. I feel like what he was doing was the calm before the storm. But I could be wrong. He already released his anger earlier and if he still wants to hurt then I'm going to put up a good fight.

I was busy watching my steps from behind when I suddenly felt his hand pulled me until he was the one hugging me now. The hug was tight that I went frozen for a brief moment until I decided that I don't want the hug and so I pushed him away. I'm already going crazy with how fast Ambrose changes his mood. It's only been an hour hours and he had exhibited anger, sadness and perhaps confusion on his own.

Pushing him away did not even stop Ambrose from doing what he was planning to do. He reached for my hand for the second time and it the grip was firmer this time around. With one strong pull, I was already looking at his face. He was breathing so heavy that I smelled vodka for the first time. It doesn't mean that he was drunk but for sure, he'd been drinking. He cupped my face and we were kissing again.

Things seemed to have interchanged between us. I was just the one who was asserting effort to kiss him a minute ago and this time he was the one doing my move. He stole my move and I began to think that I'm going insane over this rollercoaster of actions and emotions. I ended up kissing him back, hard and torrid and wet. I let my tongue slither through his mouth until I found his tongue just waiting for my arrival. I sucked his tongue and that's the moment I felt him grinding on me. One of his hand grabbed my butt and the other one slammed my chest onto his own chest. Things are becoming aggressive and I'm here for this. I was the one who started this chain of torrid kisses and I was greatly hoping that this one would be the last one.

Ambrose cupped my face again and slowly unclasp from the kiss. He was breathing heavily almost like I've sucked every oxygen that he has in his body. He held my face tight until our nose and foreheads were touching.

"I love you, August." He whispered and my world was suddenly filled with rainbows and butterflies.

Dancing In His Storm [BxB] √Where stories live. Discover now