21.1: The Shadows of Betrayal

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I am already convinced that the match was already over but Phil doesn't seem to accept his defeat against Shaun. He just got knocked off into the ground and every single eye watching the fight has seen how hard he fell. It was evident that he can't fight no more, he's been lying on the ground for more than two minutes and even when the referee's not counting, that was more than enough for Shaun to bag the win.

"Shaun wins this match!!!" The referee announced and the cheering continues.

"No, no, no. It can't be!" Phil was adamant with still wanting to fight. He doesn't want to accept the fact that he just lost the fight plain and simple. He was struggling to stand back up that I was forced to walk towards him to offer some friendly assistance.

"Hey dude, it's okay, it's alright!" I patted him in the shoulder hoping to let him know that I'm not disappointed with his lost. "You lost one fight, you can always come back again and fight another time." I went on hoping to convince Phil that he may have lost this battle but he hasn't lost the war just yet.

"Easy for you to say," Phil scoffed and pushed my chest out of a sudden that I almost lost my balance.

"What the fuck, Phil?" I am supposed to feel pity towards him and I understand that he wants to win this match, but all I have right now is the feeling of curiosity. What was he trying to prove? Phil's really acting like an absolute jerk. I know he's a jerk and I'm also a jerk but I know this attitude was not it.

"Nobody has won just yet. I'm still up." Phil said facing the referee who wasn't even convinced at all. Phil sounded determined to win this match when quite frankly, there's no point at all. Shaun has the upper hand against him, that's a blatant fact even if you ask every single person here they'd say the same answer. Not only Shaun was a big brawny guy but I know Phil's not capable of defeating him or even dealing enough damage to wear him out. Phil might not even be capable to beat the guy whom Irvin had defeated during the first round.

"I'm so sorry man, you just lost this match fair and square. You were lying on the ground for almost two minutes. Everyone saw that with both of their eyes." The referee inched his way and talked to Phil at a lower volume not wanting the rest of the crowd to hear what they were talking about.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I just lost my balance." Phil replied hoping to sway the referee's thoughts but the tone in his voice meant he was very much upset and that he doesn't care about the referee's decision anyway.

Phil grabbed the referee's collar and began punching him right in the face. The crowd went crazy but I was bewildered by this attitude coming off from Phil.

"What the.... Phil!" I was quick on my feet and had to grab Phil's arms before he continues to beat down the innocent referee. I saw Marlon and Leopold emerged out of the crowd and I instantly felt the support from them. They began helping me with Phil who was already struggling and wiggling and just writhing like a snake. The three of us all held and pulled Phil with the crowd being disappointed at the unforeseen ruckus. With the strength that the three of us have versus Phil's adrenaline rush, we still struggled a bit just to pull him out of the semi-circle.

"What the fuck was that Phil?" I yelled at him the moment we were out of the semi-circle.

"You saw that right? I was just thrown off balance." Phil argued and I immediately know he's in denial of the defeat. I'm still asking myself for some possible reasons as to why Phil was acting like this but I just can't think of anything other than that he's just trying to be the strong and feared person that he's clearly not.

"Dude, you really lost that one." Marlon huffed spitting the hurtful truth right in Phil's face. I thought he would listen to Marlon and just accept the defeat with such sportsmanship but he didn't seem like it.

"No, I fucking did not!" Phil shifted his attention from me and yelled at Marlon. I saw Marlon flinched at the shocking tone of Phil.

"Let's just get out of here before this asshole goes back to that fight." I muttered and grabbed Phil's arm hoping to pull him out of the open fields so he couldn't wreak any more havoc.

"Get your fucking hands off me." Phil wiggled my grip. It wasn't a tight grip so he managed to pull his arms away in just one attempt.

"Why are you acting like a bitch?" I spat having fed up by his crap. I didn't mean to call him that but I know it's going to make him talk.

"What did you just say?" Phil asked and I can immediately tell he didn't like what I just called him. "What did you just call me?" Phil inched his way to face me and he was looking rather upset.

"A bitch? Why are you acting like a fucking bitch?" I faced him too and repeated the words with such emphasis just to push some more buttons out of him. I'm not scared to have a fist fight against him right at this moment because I'm pretty much confident that I can beat him within just a matter of seconds. I looked at him in the eye with such fraudulent swag and anger. We looked like we are having a face to face shoot for boxing.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!!" Phil muttered looking away from me and just like that he was walking away without us having to carry him.

I clearly know that Phil knows he can't beat me in any situation. Perhaps that one of the reasons why he's acting like this. Perhaps he wants to let other people know that he's just as strong as me. I don't know. We never really talk about this kinds of stop. We boys don't really have conversations about this emotional kind of shit. Phil knows that I am still the top dog and that's why he doesn't have much of a choice but to walk away from me. Yeah, we had the stare down but even that one I won.

I looked over at Marlon and Phil and we just shared a look and a shrug that just meant we kind of understand what had just gone down. We ended up following Phil out of the open fields.


People killin' people dyin'
Children hurtin', I hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preachin'?
Would you turn the other cheek again?
Mama, mama, mama, tell us what the hell is goin' on
Can't we all just get along?
Father, father, father help us
Send some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questioning
(Where's the love?)

The music was turned up to a very thunderous volume the moment I arrived at Victoria's house party. I looked at my phone and it's still just eight in the evening which meant nobody's really that drunk yet. I know August had this plan to make Rachel drink a lot of alcohol to make her drunk. I looked around and I saw Phil's car parked right beside this tree. They came here earlier than I did. After that shenanigan earlier, I thought he wouldn't plan on coming to this house party. But that's when I immediately thought he just kissed Rachel last time. I'm sure if something's going on between them then he'd be here for sure.

Yo, what's going on with the world, momma?
(Where's the love?)
Yo, people living like they ain't got no mommas
(Where's the love?)
I think they all distracted by the drama
And attracted to the trauma, mamma
(Where's the love?)
I think they don't understand the concept
Or the meaning of karma
(Where's the love?)

Overseas, yeah, they trying to stop terrorism
(Where's the love?)
Over here on the streets the police shoot the people
Put the bullets in 'em
(Where's the love?)
But if you only got love for your own race
(Where's the love?)
Then you're gonna leave space for others to discriminate
(Where's the love?)

I began walking inside the house and my expectations was met quite accordingly. The music continued playing and it's even louder inside the house. It's the same exact scenario last time I was at Marlon's house party.

And to discriminate only generates hate
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate
Madness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how hate works and operates
Man, we gotta set it straight
Take control of your mind and just meditate
And let your soul just gravitate to the love
So the whole world celebrate it

People killin' people dyin'
Children hurtin', I hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preachin'?
Would you turn the other cheek again?
Mama, mama, mama, tell us what the hell is goin' on
Can't we all just get along?

The first thing that was on my mind was to locate August. I'm more thanexcited to at least see him and know that he's really doing what he just toldme he's going to do. It still quite early so if Rachel wasn't drunk yet then Iunderstand it. I've been patient all week long and I think I can wait for a fewmore hours.

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