16.5: The One Who's Dying Inside

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The presence of loud upbeat music was completely encouraging in the most unexpected moment. I haven't been to a party for too long to forget what it feels like, but this vibe was utterly nostalgic. I don't know why does it feel that way when there hasn't been a year since I last attended a house party like this. It's still too early for the real party to start but everyone's already starting to catch the feel of the upcoming night. People started flooding minute after minute and I wondered why Marlon seemed to have invited everyone at school.

I was sitting at the couch and everyone who's invited were already hyping up as the music continued playing in the background. I suddenly felt like I want to immerse myself along with the few people that I recognize. I saw Phil by the fridge and he was talking to this girl wearing a sky blue spaghetti strap and a red mini skirt. I'm not sure if remember the girl's name but I think it's Marissa. This house party type of Phil seemed very different from the Phil that I know from school. The Phil at school wouldn't even talk this much close and intimate to any girl. He's kind of protecting his big reputation as Mr. Willard's only son. This house party Phil was that bad boy looking for a target. I clearly recognize this type of Phil, the chick boy type but I just don't see it quite often purely because of the fact that I don't usually go to parties like they always do. Phil started tucking the girl's hair behind her ear and they both share an equal understanding smile. They like each other. For the girl, this could be the love that she's been looking for. But I know for an absolute fact that for Phil, this was all about the lust.

I moved my eyes throughout the house and I saw Marlon approaching me seemingly excited about something.

"Hey, Ambrose!" He called for my name the moment he sat at the empty space right beside.

"What is it?" I asked moving my head to look at him. He kept his eyes focused towards the crowd.

"Uhm, do you want to have some shrooms?" He offered toning his voice down making it sure that I'm the only one who can hear it.

"I don't know," I replied honestly. I've already tried this shit that he's talking about before and they're quite good at taking you high up above the clouds. I liked the feeling of flying without wings but I just don't know if I want to have some now.

"I've been looking for someone to share this," He spat still not looking at me but he's showing a ziplock bag containing the shrooms hidden inside the pocket of his varsity jacket.

"There's Phil," I suggested subsequently pointing at Phil who was still talking to his prospect.

"Can't you see he's too busy looking for someone to get down on his pants?" Marlon replied.

"Oh yeaah."

"What about Leopold?"

"Can't find the guy." Marlon trailed. "Just come find me later, I'm just going to smoke outside." He added eventually walking away to go smoke.

Marlon left me wondering why the fuck does he needs someone to join him. He can just go somewhere else private and shove pieces of those shrooms inside his mouth.

I propped myself out of the couch eventually grabbing a can of beer from the icebox that was placed at the table. I looked for a can opener but I couldn't find one. I ended up popping the cap using my teeth and subsequently taking a long sip of the ice cold beer. I instantly felt the coldness of the beer as it streamed down my throat. I poured another round and it tasted better the second time. I went back to the couch and watched as the crowd grow.

The daylight finally rolled to an end and the real party was just about to start. They only turned on the few important lights to give a dim, sort of club like moment. I can see some people are already under the influence of alcohol. The music continued playing on the background and it just got louder. I'm sure Marlon's neighbors are about to be pissed off if this noise reels towards the middle of the night.

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