23.8: The Storm

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The ride back home was just as quick. I stepped on the gas as if I'm an extra in a racing film and I just covered the tracks with such a lightning speed. Just by the thought of my dad actually giving me information about the documents that contained my actual identity was more than enough to fill me up with this exhilarating excitement. I rushed back inside the house and before I know it, I was already inside my parents' bedroom. The mood inside the room was expectedly strange and I immediately knew it was because of the fight that have occurred here a few days ago. The negative energy has stuck like it's a perfume with an unpleasant odor. I noticed the picture frame of my mom and dad with the clear absence of the glass that once covered it. I believe this was one of the things that my mom threw in her anger. Even the big vintage flower vase that my dad bought from China was gone and I can see some few pieces that were left on the floor. The fight must've been that intense and it's convincing me that my dad had finally told my mom about the divorce. I'm sure my mom had an idea about it and I'm flabbergasted that she did not prepared for it. She had it coming for years.

I staggered towards the walk in closet and the I instantly noticed the huge changes. My mom's few clothes were gone. The expensive bags and shoes were all swept. I suddenly felt nervous about the documents. I'm thinking that my mom had brought them with her. But why would she bring that with her anyway?

I began my search putting my priorities first in line. I opened a few drawers and all of the possible hiding spots until I saw this special trunk that was just staring at me the whole time. I went on my knees and popped the trunk open only to find a lot of papers and stuff. Some are covered with transparent plastic covers and others were carefully tucked inside a folder. Searching for the document became shockingly easy much to my pleasure and absolute relief. The top layers of the documents were lined with dust and molds and I had to cover my nose in order not to sneeze. Things made it seem like it wanted to be found all along and more than glad about it. The documents were filed almost like a thick book stacked on top of each other and I just had to flip everything until I found what I was looking for. I pulled the folder and I was already sitting on the floor preparing myself to focus on the specific thing that I'm looking for.

With the wild curiosity engulfing my head, I flipped the folder open and there I saw the first page and the paper was already beginning to show signs of aging. The white paper was already turning brownish sort of dirty beige on the edges which meant this was really from over a decade ago. I began reading the words written on the paper and the first thing that I read was my real name.

Dmitri Flores.

I had to stop for a while and let the reality of things sink in. How did I not think about my real name? Of course, I do have a real name too.

My head began to imagine that I'm living in the world of Dmitri Flores. What would my life look like had I been Dmitri Flores instead of Ambrose Haylock?

I imagine myself having a petty and pointless argument with the rest of my five older siblings as our mother tries her best to calm our shit down. I imagine myself having to wait for my real mother's signature dish. I imagine myself sleeping on the top part of the bunk bed. I imagine myself going home to a complete family. I remembered my dad saying Delilah's a single mother and quite frankly, even with the lack of a patriarch, I'd still consider it as a complete family.

The imagination was beginning to become surreal and I was already smiling without even knowing it. My life won't be that lavish and lonely but at least, it's not drenched in total misery. My life as Dmitri Flores would've been fun and filled with memories worthy of keeping.

I continued reading the document and it was just the process of my name being changed from Dmitri Flores to Ambrose Haylock. I saw the amount and it was very much worth of months of work but I knew it was just nothing to my dad. I resumed flipping the papers and then I eventually saw Delilah's address and my eyes lit up.

Langlot 23, Santa Lucia.

341 02

That was just the next town from here. I cannot fucking believe this. I'm thinking it's going to be in Highmont or something really faraway from here. What the actual fuck.

I saw the phone number right below the address and I was already typing the phone number on my phone. I know this number was from over a decade ago and Delilah could've changed her phone number through the years. A lot of things could happen in just a year. Still, this was worth the shot.

I dialed the phone number and I was dead ass right, the phone number doesn't exist anymore. That's completely understandable given how time had passed by. I let out a heavy sigh much to my disappointment. I shook the feeling off of my shoulder and began taking pictures of everything. I had to struggle to focus but I got every photo right after a few tries. I took the folder with me and I walked towards my room. I began taking my uniform off and then I was already changing onto something casual. I don't want some people looking at me with wide eyes. I should just look like a normal adult looking for something.

After changing my clothes, I scanned the documents once again. Nothing in the documents says something about my older siblings which was a bit of bummer. I should be able to know about the smallest details; they could actually be the reason for me to find what I'm looking for. I knew I already took pictures of the important stuff but still, I want to make sure I read and memorize everything right.

After a few moments I was already out of the house. I hopped on my motorcycle and it was finally time for me to go on this journey to finding my real mother. I don't know what to make of things if I find my real mother and all of my older siblings but there's no turning back on this. I'm more than determined to find them with the little information that I have. There's a part of me that's very much determined to look for them and I'm going to hold onto that with all of my hopes.

By the time I was already on the road, my mind was beginning to become my worst enemy. The thought that Delilah might've already moved to another place popped up. Perhaps it was trying to stop me from continuing this search but I'm not going to let it stop me. I've already made my decision and I'm going to search for Delilah and my other siblings. I'm not going to stop until I find them.

The ride to Santa Lucia took me almost two hours but that's only because I'm not on a rush. I have to be careful too. I don't want to be caught for over speeding or something most especially when I'm still very much a minor. If this was in Mary Heights, no one would care but this was a whole other town and I don't know their rules and whatnot. I reached the center of Santa Lucia and for a moment, I felt lost in the middle of this town. I've been here a couple of times but it's quite weird that I feel like I don't know where I'm heading to.

I stopped by and had to ask a traffic enforcer about the address that I'm looking for. He was kind enough to point the way and even gave me much clearer directions. I really thought I was lost but I felt the rush of hope.

Finding the exact address became much easier once I got to the street proper and I began to feel the claws of nervousness. My heart was racing and that's all because I don't have any idea what I might find. I was already in front of this small bungalow and I had to stop to have some moment to think and gather a bit of will and strength.

I fished my phone and scanned the photos that I took from the documents all the way back home. I'm not having a trust issue but I just have to make sure I've reached the right address. I saw Delilah's birthday and I realized she's just forty-three years old. She's still quite young just about the age of my foster mother. My mind's starting to imagine things but I was quick to shut it off. I don't want to create some wild expectations just because I don't want to be greatly disappointed. I'm just going to knock on the door and expect nothing.

I jumped out of the motorcycle and with trembling knees, I staggered towards the front door of the house. I raised my hand and I was about to knock but then I had to stop midway. I felt my chest tighten and I had to muster enough courage. I took a deep inhale and exhale and then finally, I'm ready to knock. I knocked three times in such a loud manner and then waited for a response.

After a few seconds I heard a female voice yelled from the inside telling me to wait for a few seconds and I almost shit myself at the reality of things. That could be the voice of my long lost mother. The mother that I know would love me unconditionally. The mother that I never had.

I tried to keep my knees strong even though it's already trembling in somuch nervousness. I kept the courage that I mustered and waited patiently untilthe door opened. This was it. I'm going to see my real mother.

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