21.2: The Shadows of Betrayal

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Victoria's house party was a little bit more similar to Marlon's party last week. I don't know if there's an ongoing trend with house parties but they are sitting pretty much similar. Or maybe this was just the first time that I'm being observant about these little details that I shouldn't even be observing. I have been to a few, if not numerous, house parties before but I haven't been very keen about them.

I walked tardily surfing through the frenzy crowd while letting my eyes roam throughout the room filled with wild and naïve souls. Almost all of these people just went to Marlon's party last time and here they are once again, partying and living their young years. The scene was obviously same people, different party.

I kept my eyesight as keen as possible and somehow the lights were actually on my side. Marlon's party was purposely dim with lots of glowing stuff that we almost looked like we are on Star Wars or something. This party, in terms of the lighting, at least have a decent amount of light, almost bright enough to instantly recognize the person standing right in front of you.

I don't see any signs of August at all, not even Rachel. I brought myself towards this table where all of the drinks and snacks were gathered and unconsciously began pouring some alcohol to a plastic cup. They don't have any beers at all which was a total dismay. I prefer to a have a bottle of beer just because I don't want to get drunk so fast when I know I'm still going to drive a motorcycle.

I brought myself to the unoccupied couch and sat down without pulling my sight from the crowd. I understand the fun of house parties and I'm not never against it but I'm for sure not the first person to show up whenever there's one. I saw Jessie with his friends and they all looked like they are having the best time of their life. My attention was immediately captured by Jessie wearing some make-up. I know he's always been this flamboyant person but he actually looked like a woman. If he's only wearing some wig, then I would've thought he's a real woman.

I suddenly remembered the times that I've bullied Jessie and his friends and I immediately felt awful at myself. I know I haven't been the nicest person in the room and I'm just starting to think about my actions. Alyssa caught me looking at them and whispered something to Jessie. They all looked at me with such disgust painted in their faces. I don't have any idea what they had talked about but I felt the underlying humiliation. They all moved to a corner where I can't set my eyes on them and maybe they were bothered by my presence.

I certainly looked like a social pariah sitting alone in this lonely couch whilst everyone's either dancing the house down or flirting with someone else. As much I wanted to get out of this couch, I have a clear of view of the house from here. I thought I'd stay here for a while and wait for someone familiar to show up and maybe tell me about August or Rachel. I tried my best to shake that feeling of an outcast away and stayed loyal to the couch. I took a sip of alcohol as I begin to wonder about the whereabouts of Marlon and Phil. I saw Leopold a while ago and he's doing his thing. Perhaps Marlon's hooking up with Nicole or something. I've heard they have something going on. I don't know about Phil though. I still know he's got something going on with Rachel. I just don't know if that's a one-time thing or not.

I felt the impatience starting to eat me and I certainly don't want to get eaten by it. I felt a sudden shock in my chest and I thought it's because of the alcohol. I propped myself out of the couch and thought of taking a walk around the house. Perhaps that's the only way I can find August.

I bumped into Victoria just after taking a few steps.

"Hey, Victoria!" I called out for her name.

"Oh shit, what the fuck are you doing here?" Victoria inquired moving a bit wobbly and her speech was somehow muffled that I instantly knew she's already drunk. "I..I don't remember inviting you here."

"Have you seen August?" I ignored her remarks about me being the uninvited guest and just asked about August.

"I don't k..." Victoria didn't even finish speaking out her response and she already turned around to speak to someone else. "Jessie? Is that you girl? You look hella fierce!!!" She was pointing her painted fingernail in the air as she praised Jessie.

"I know. I'm always fierce, girl!!!" Jessie replied reciprocating the same energy that Victoria had given to him.

"You look good." I unconsciously chimed in.

Jessie looked at me and rolled his eyes almost immediately. "Why are you talking to that jerk?" The tone in his voice sounded like I'm the last person he would want to talk to and I kind of understand where he was coming from.

"Who?" Victoria seemed like she had forgotten about me when she was just talking to me a few seconds ago. She turned back around to face me. "Oh, this guy? Am I talking to you?"

I don't know if I'm going to laugh or not but Victoria's really drunk as fuck and if she's still going to drink some more, she'll be totally wasted in just a matter of an hour. "Have you seen August?" I ignored her forgetting about talking to me and asked about August once again.

"I don't know, who fucking cares?" Victoria spat and then turned to face Jessie who was just about to leave. "Sis, have you seen August?" She asked.

"Oh yeah. I saw him climbing upstairs with his girlfriend. They're probably looking for a room or something." Jessie trailed.

"What did you say?" I asked Jessie but he just walked off completely ignoring my existence.

"He said they're probably looking for a room or something," Victoria drawled imitating the way Jessie had emulated the sentence and yet she still sounded like she doesn't know what's going on.

"Okay," I nodded.

"Holy Oh shit!" Victoria shrilled and I thought maybe I'm wrong and she still knows what's going on. "Rachel's really pushing through with her plan."

"What plan?!" I huffed utterly perturbed by Victoria's statement.

"You go girl!" Victoria was already cheering completely disregarding my entire presence.

My chest skipped an alarming beat and I thought something's not adding up. I shoved Victoria clearing the way for me.

"Hey, what the fuck!"

I was already leaping like a horse until I reached the staircase eventually skipping just to reach the second floor in a matter of seconds. There are a lot of rooms just as I expected from a bi g house and I had to open every single one of them. Two rooms were empty and the other one was filled with people who are smoking weed and one of them was Marlon.

"Ambrose? Looking for some greens?" Marlon asked the moment he saw me.

"No, thanks." I spat and shut the door almost immediately.

The next door was also shut tight and I felt my nerves go a bit berserk.I held the doorknob and slowly twisted the door open wishing to see nothinginside but I ended up seeing something I never wanted to see. I was instantlyastounded at the sight of August and Rachel. They were about to kiss and I feltlike I'm about to explode. I immediately noticed August's unbuttoned shirt andI can see one of his nipple hanging out. My chest tightened and I feel like something'spreventing me from breathing properly.

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