CHAPTER 13: Stars Beginning to Align

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"You can do this!" I tried convincing myself that everything's going to be alright despite the fact that I have no assurance of that. I'm very well aware of the fact that anything can happen under the afternoon sun, especially when you are alone with the school's number one bully.

This is probably the most terrible idea that I have come up with and there's a high chance that this is going to fuck me up in the face. Ambrose might potentially kill me for real and there's a lot of factors to consider. First thing, he hated me to the bones. It is very much blatant that he has a lot of anger issues, he has all the arsenal in his pocket and he can easily dish out all of this bottled up anger all on me. Secondly, he's very much capable of breaking my bones to pieces if he decides to. I believe I haven't seen Ambrose's true demon form that's delicately wrapped in pure wrath. If he's really that feared upon, then he might really be that punk that speaks the language of violence. Third of all, I stole the girl that he likes. And if there's one thing that I've learned from this life, is you don't steal a kid's candy.

I don't have to conceal the fact that I was surprised when Ambrose handed me his helmet a few minutes ago. It doesn't really mean that he wanted to talk to me. It could probably mean that he's going to take me somewhere else quiet and beat the shit out of me.

I feel like a dead man walking. But I also have a strong feeling that this is going to work in my favor. It's clearly a shot in the dark but I'm taking my spears out and throwing them out in the open hoping that it would hit something. Right now, I could only give him the benefit of the doubt.

It was almost refreshing to feel the wind rift smoothly right through our bodies as Ambrose stepped on the engine of his motorcycle. I'm getting the feeling that he's not used to driving with someone behind him as he was stepping on the gas very carefully. Or maybe he's just taking this drive slowly as he devices a plan on how to dispose of my body.

I was getting anxious and I tried to shake that rotten thought out of my head. It was such a success until I started to feel the inner gay August inside of me. I can feel its claws scratching the walls of its closet. I feel like I wanted to let the gayness hiding inside of me out into the world and be free. I have never been with someone before and I just want to embrace this fine guy right in front of me, at least before he beats the shit out of me. I don't even know how the fuck did I end up riding in his motorcycle when he was just punching my stomach a few moments ago.

How the fuck did I end up riding with Ambrose in his motorcycle? That's like seeing a crow with white feathers or even dipping your fries in peanut butter.

There's really nothing much exciting that happened throughout my day. I think I have found the normal routine that's going to become my day every day. I rode with Mary to school earlier this morning and it feels really nice that she's still very much the talkative person that she is around me even though I'm not hanging out with them anymore. I just had the obligation to get to know her more just so I could spread the good things about her and hopefully change what people thinks of her. She kept me in loop with what's going on with Rock and Gustav which aren't that much interesting to be honest. I spent my free times with Victoria, Nicole and Rachel. Rachel is becoming even more clingy and flirty to me and although this is what I expected for talking and making her like me, it's about to reach the borderline of too much. And then I ended up here, wearing Ambrose's helmet as he drove to wherever he might take me.

The loud noise produced by the engine was loud but my heart racing was a bit louder. The idea of facing my fears sounded brave when I was thinking about it a few moments ago, but now that it's happening, I feel like I'm going to die anytime soon.

After fifteen minutes, Ambrose finally pulled over at this empty lot right in front of the woods. I think this is where he's going to kick my ass and probably kill me.

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