20.4: The Storm Is Coming

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I have already made plans with Rachel and her clique earlier and it hurts to think that I have to reject Ambrose's offer for the second time in a row. Being torn in a dilemma over Ambrose and Rachel was the hardest thing that I felt today and I thought that was the end of the day but here I am, once again, making this fucked up decisions. I really want to hang out with Ambrose, given the fact that we haven't hanged out since the beginning of this week, but fate seems to be working against my favor this time around. I know I still have the wide open choice to just ditch that house party that Victoria had organized for tomorrow but it will, without a doubt, hurt my relationship with the group.

"You're really into house parties now, eh?" Ambrose asked and I can't help but feel like he's very much disappointed at me. He's been trying to make things work for the both of us and I'm grateful for that but I'm always the one getting stuck right in between. Ambrose and Rachel can always ask me to go out whenever they want to but I'm always the having to choose between them. It's even more fucked up that every time one of them asks me to hangout, the other one always follows with their own proposal.

"No, but you know I can't be the boyfriend who's missing in action." I blurted out trying to support my decision. The decision was a bit hard for me and now, I'm already scrambling to make things a little bit lighter.

"Right, right." Ambrose groaned and I already knew he knows he can't do anything.

I went quiet for a brief moment seemingly trying to figure things out and then suddenly, a light bulb popped up inside my head.

"You should probably come to the party," I huffed over the phone as my tone became even more excited. I just have to convince Ambrose to go to the party.

"I don't know." Ambrose trailed still in his saggy tone.

"You should come to the party and we can just sneak out when Rachel gets so drunk to remember anything." I continued speaking and I'm even trying to sound more convincing. There was this tiny devilish plan that's forming inside my head as I speak.

"And what makes you so sure that she's going to get too drunk?" Ambrose interrogated me with the uncertainty that's gritting in his tone. I'm not sure if he's refusing to go along with my plan or he's just not convinced that I'm able to execute the plan that I've just told him.

"Is that even a question, Ambrose?" I volleyed back sounding more confident as ever. I'm pretty sure I'm going to execute the plan with such style and I don't even see any problems that might hinder my evil plan. I have been drinking with Rachel every Friday night and I'm going to say I have an unfazed feeling that I already have a good read of her alcohol tolerance. "I'm Rachel's boyfriend. I'll be by her side and while I'm at it, I'll make sure she's going to drink lots of booze."

I feel elated just by thinking about the things that might happen. I'm trying to envision them and I think this plan might actually the best plan for me to hit two birds with one stone. I didn't it's possible until I was already thinking about it. I get to hang out with Rachel and be the supportive boyfriend that she thinks I am and once she gets too wasted, I'm going to ditch her and be with the person that I truly like.

"Mhmm. Okay," Ambrose let out and although he just basically said yes, the tone in his response still proved that he's trying to convince himself. I don't know what's going on inside his head right now and I can only speculate about it. Perhaps he's wondering how are we going to sneak out. Perhaps he's thinking if he's invited to the party and whatnot.

"Ambrose," I spat in an almost deep voice. "I know this thing between us is so complicated but I'm trying my best to work things out." The words seem hard to come out of my mouth because I know I'm capable of doing better things.

"I know. I understand." Ambrose huffed in agreement.


The next day was growing more and more exciting for me. In the weirdest way, Rachel still came to my house to come and get me. I'm not expecting her to show up today considering how I reacted to her seduction attempt but the loud almost disturbing noise made by her horn proved otherwise.

"August, your friends' here!" I heard my stepmom call for me from the kitchen as I rush to put on my shoes.

"Okay," I replied letting her know that I'm already aware of Rachel's presence. I haven't really told them that Rachel's my girlfriend and that's because she's essentially not my girlfriend. Maybe on paper she's my girlfriend but things are complicated and I don't have the energy to pull them towards the mess that I am in.

I'm more than glad about the underlying fact that Wednesday's not coming off obnoxious towards me. I know she probably has some ideas forming inside her head but perhaps she's not that worried about me that she never really forced herself to ask what's my relationship with Rachel. I guess I'm going to say I like the things the way they are as of now. As long as I can keep it that way I'm going to keep them out of this debacle that I am currently in.

"Good morning, babe." I greeted the moment I climbed up inside Rachel's truck. I noticed how her fragrance have changed to a much stronger smell, way far different from the first time that I've hanged out with her.

"Good morning," She was very much mirthful today which was nothing different to me. I moved my head towards her and we both gave each other a quick peck on the lips.

Rachel began driving.

"I'm really excited for the party," Rachel blurted out and quite honestly, I am excited too. I even think I'm more excited than her. She doesn't have any idea that I'm going to push her to drink too much so that I can sneak away and I'm going to keep that plan all to myself.

"Me too," I nodded in absolute agreement. I'm smiling at the thought that I will finally hang out with Ambrose.

"This is the first time that we are going to have a house party,"

"Didn't we just went to Marlon's party last week?" I'm just as confused with her statement when I know we just went to a party last week.

"Yeah. I mean, this is the first time that our group will host a house party." Rachel said clarifying her initial statement ultimately clarifying my confusion.

"Oh, okay.

We passed by Mary's house and I just saw her walking out of their door. I'm not sure if she saw us but it's quite hard to admit that I missed having conversation with her. She's like the only person that I can speak freely with and I missed that kind of bond. I'm sure if she had recognized Rachel's pickup she's going to conclude that I'm inside. Months had already passed and I'm totally disconnected with Mary, Rock and Gustav. I wonder if I could ever rekindle that friendship that I've made with them during my first week here in Mary Heights. I even forgot about the thing that me and Mary had talked about. That's mostly because no one's actually talking about them. I know I had a deal with her that I'm going to spread nothing but good news about them and I'm pretty much aware of the fact that I failed that part of the deal. However, I don't feel bad about it. I haven't heard anyone talk shit about them in a long time. Victoria was the only one talking trash about them and Nicole was just there nodding and agreeing.

Dancing In His Storm [BxB] √Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora