22.6: Love & Predicament

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During our first break, the first thing that came to my mind was to rejoin my usual clique. I went to my locker first to return my things and eventually walked towards the bench where we used to spend our break together and I instantly noticed I was the first one to show up. I sat at my usual spot and I thought I was just the early bird for the very first time. I waited for someone to show up and five minutes passed by so quickly but unfortunately no one's planning to show up. There's no Victoria, there's no sign of Nicole, and most of all, there's no appearance of Rachel.

Where are these ladies? I thought, wondering about the girls' whereabouts. This was the first time since I became part of their circle that they're not showing up at our usual hanging spot. It's weird that I was sitting very much alone and things became unbearably awkward that I was eventually forced to leave the bench. Some of the people from the other benches were looking at me and judging by the looks on their faces, they were talking about me. I'm perfectly aware that I'm used to being the talk of the town but this was slowly becoming unsettling for me. I ushered myself back inside the school building and I'm already beginning to look for any signs of the ladies. The hallway was scattered with people hanging out with their usual cliques, mostly in trio, and I eventually saw Victoria and Nicole giggling by their locker.

"Hey guys!" I opened my mouth to speak letting the two ladies know about my appearance. "I've been looking for you. Where's Rachel?" I tapped Victoria's shoulder and she immediately turned around to face me.

"Oh, if it isn't you!" Victoria began and I can clearly tell that her tone was that casual pinch of rudeness. This was just the typical Victoria that I know.

"Yeah, why are you guys not with Rachel?" I asked pointing out the fact that it's just the two of them together and no Rachel.

"Why aren't you with Rachel?" Nicole chimed in just volleying my question back to me.

"I'm serious. Where the hell's Rachel?" Putting up a serious expression, I made my voice a bit firm.

Victoria and Nicole went quiet and they both shared a look that made me think they are hiding something that I don't know about.

"Just tell him." Nicole uttered, it's as if she's giving Victoria the permission to talk and that in itself, was a bit confusing to me.

"Rachel doesn't want to see you." Victoria mouthed subsequently throwing me off guard. I was stunned but I kept my cool.


"Or even talk to you." Checking her nails, Nicole added making the situation even more confusing than it already was.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" I wanted to play the innocent part here and maybe I am, but in my head, I was already trying to figure things out. I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong except that I left the party without telling them. That's the only thing that I could think of and if that's the reason then it's way too shallow. My nerves are already tingling and not in a good way.

"No you didn't." Victoria replied.

"Then why?" I followed up.

"That's it. You didn't do something or anything. That's what you did." Victoria babbled out as she leaned against the locker.

"I...I...I don't understand." I was shaking my head as I was unable to connect all of the dots in my head. I definitely got what Victoria said but in what specific context?

"That's all I'm going to say, boy. I don't want to be the one to tell you about it. It's not in my authority." Victoria went on.

"Girl, what?" Nicole asked and gave Victoria a confused look. "Just tell him, he should know about it." Nicole slurred completely disregarding Victoria's statement.

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