CHAPTER 11.1: This Thing Called Tension

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I'm not even surprised about the fact that I am having a fever today. Yesterday was definitely a rough and muddy experience that I would probably remember for the rest of my life. It is more of a rollercoaster ride if I'm going to try and describe it. The day wasn't that much exciting just like how when the ride starts at a slower pace without the thrill until it eventually reaches the first slope and that's when everything starts to become exciting and horrifying at the same time. The first slope was when Ambrose and his friends all cornered me at the parking lot and from there on, it was a bumpy ride.

I don't even know who won that duel but I am leaning towards the fact that it was a draw. Ambrose and I had our fair share of punches rolled. Despite of that, Ambrose was really born to do this angsty and violent stuff. He knew what he was doing and he's really strong packing some painful punches and his brute force is definitely something above average. I'm surprised that I managed to match his strength when I'm not even prepared for things like that. I'm not a violent human being and for me to be able to match that strength is just me being lucky.

I already accepted my defeat when Ambrose successfully pushed me away and eventually took control over the situation. The thought of me going home with a broken nose, a black-eye and a bleeding lip all sunk in very quickly. My mind is already convincing me that whatever happens, I'm going to be okay. But that was until he kissed me.

That kiss was utterly everything that I never expected to happen not in a million years. First, it was my first ever real kiss. Second, it came from the person who hated me the most. And third, I don't even know if he's gay.

I'm still confused about that kiss. I don't think I'm going to find the answer to all of the burning questions that were created from that anytime soon.


I was about to turn on the television when my phone started to ring. I suddenly felt annoyed when I saw Rachel was calling me as early as seven in the morning. I'm not even feeling well to pretend to be straight again but I have no other choice but to pick up the phone.

"Good Morning!" Rachel sounded very cheerful over the phone.

To be perfectly honest with myself, I don't want to answer the phone just because I feel like I don't have the right energy to chat specifically with Rachel. And it's not because I'm sick but it's probably because I wanted to have a little break from trying to impress her. I know myself and I have recognized the difficulties of trying to impress someone you don't really have romantic feelings for. In my case, pretending to be straight while pretending to like a girl is like crossing a narrow and wobbly bridge made out of bamboo. I have to keep my eyes focused on my steps while keeping my balance in perfect condition. One small mistake and I'm going to fall down the river.

"Good morning, how are you doing?" I asked forcing myself to conceal this relative unwillingness to have a chat with her.

"Good, I feel good. I just had my breakfast in bed." Rachel replied.

"Wow, breakfast in bed?!" I was aware that I sounded a bit jealous of that kind of privilege but I tried toning it down. "What did you have or breakfast?"

"French toast." Rachel uttered. "What about you? Did you have your breakfast already?"

"Yeah I did." I lied. Wednesday had my breakfast prepared on the table along with the meds that I'm supposed to take. "I had..." I paused for a moment and looked at what's served at the dining table. "I had bacon and egg."

"Oh, classic! I love bacon and egg." Rachel shrilled but I feel like she doesn't really like bacon and egg. "Anyway, are you like free today?" Rachel suddenly asked.

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