17.3: The High and the Wasted

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Although it's about to reel towards midnight, the night still seemed to be quite young yet. Ambrose was focused on the road and that's just about the right thing that he should be doing. I put my worrisome face on and grabbed on Ambrose's torso as tight as I could possibly do. I know we are both under the influence of booze and we even had some of those mushrooms. I'm just a little bit surprised that it hasn't started to kick inside our systems yet. I don't know about Ambrose; he might be seeing some weird shit right now but that doesn't even matter. He appeared to be an expert on this and I'm more than impressed about his riding skills. I kept my grip on Ambrose's body firm and tight that I can feel his toned abs under all the garment that he was wearing. The wind was savage and cutting as Ambrose drove faster and faster. I'm growing nervous mostly because I can't see anything. With the lack of stars above the night sky, we only have the motorcycle's headlights to depend on and some of the lights from the houses and buildings that were are passing through.

Ambrose's mullet kept on whipping right on my face and I had to quickly put the shield of the helmet down to cover my face front the constant annoyance. We passed by the bridge and after several minutes, he went straight to a very unfamiliar route passing the way that leads towards my house. We passed through a lot of residential areas until I eventually noticed the houses and building are gradually getting fewer and fewer until the moment that there's only the woods around us. I couldn't help myself but to shudder in fear as I looked around. Even though I see nothing but darkness around us, I can still see the range of the road that was being flashed by the headlights.

This can't be the way to Ambrose's house. There's barely any house here. My mind was already writhing in confusion as to why are we taking this dark road.

Is he going to kill me? My mind was already reaping all of this rotten thoughts.

Where is he taking me?

Am I even safe?

I tried shaking all of the negative thoughts. I still clearly remembered the words that Ambrose had said to me earlier and they're still echoing inside my head.

"I like you."

It's just a simple three words but it holds a lot of meaning that I still have to discover. If this bully really likes me then I'm going to put all of my trust in him. I put all of my faith in him as I tried shaking my all my worries away.

Ambrose eventually pulled over after entering an open gate made out of woods and metals. He killed the engine shortly after which subsequently meant that we are already at his house. It was so quiet here, almost tranquil. The only sound that I hear was the sound of my breathing and the crickets that are hiding everywhere.

"This is your house?" I asked removing the helmet from my head only to get a view of this old Victorian house. There aren't any lights on and judging from its façade, the house looked like one of those haunted house from horror films.

"What do you think?" He uttered with sarcasm.

I went quiet as I looked around the place. It was an unconscious mechanism that I looked around the place with keen observance. I checked the way out and everything that's around. I quickly fished my phone and turned on my flashlight and continued roaming my eyes throughout the place. Ambrose did the same and brought out his phone to produce light just after killing the headlight of his motorcycle.

"Follow me," Ambrose uttered and although he only said it at a normal tone, it sounded like it came from a speaker.

Ambrose led me towards the front door. I noticed he took the key from a secret hiding place hanging on top of this metal hook instead of his pocket which was so typical. Everyone has their own secret hiding place for their house and If I was burglar, I think that's way too predictable. If it's not under the floor matt, it's typically hidden under a flower pot or just hanging above somewhere. Ambrose eventually opened the door and subsequently turning on the lights inside the house. The light was so bright that both of my eyes had to take a moment to adjust. I wasn't expecting anything but I was surprised the moment I stepped inside the house. It was so huge that it could even house three or even four families.

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