CHAPTER 4: Mr. Popular Overnight

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My chest was still pumping, thankfully, it's not out of fear anymore, but it's literally out of exhaustion. I might have pedaled my way home in ten minutes, and it got my heart racing with the wind. I dragged the bicycle inside the garage and sat on the ground for a while until the pumping in my chest calmed down to a tolerable state. My backpack felt a bit heavier now that I've stepped down from the bicycle. After fifteen minutes of letting the heat on my nerves settle down, I stood up and staggered inside the house.

"I'm home!" I shouted as my usual routine, but I immediately remembered I'm not in Highmont anymore, and this isn't my old place and this is not even my old family. No one answered. My dad's probably still at the repair shop, and Wednesday's probably taking a nap or something.

I went straight to the fridge and poured a glass of ice-cold water. I gulped the water as if I haven't had a glass of it for years, and it didn't disappoint from quenching the drought inside my throat. I washed the glass and returned it inside the cupboard before eventually strutting upstairs towards my room.

I dropped my backpack on the floor and started remembering what happened, and I thought it was intense. It's not my first time dealing with that kind of physical altercation but it's definitely the first time that I've done it for someone else. Usually, I would get into a fight trying to defend myself, but that was definitely something I never imagined I would do. I don't even know this Jessie person, but I just jumped in there like someone from a superhero movie.

I'm a bit proud of what I did, it felt good to know that I've stood up for someone like me, but now I feel rather scared for myself. I just punched Ambrose Haylock and I'm totally certain that things aren't going to go well for me tomorrow. I should've thought of the consequences. Punching the most popular bully meant striking a deal with the grim reaper.

I tried distracting the shuddering thought that's trying to create a home inside my head by trying on my uniform. I slipped on the type A uniform, and I looked like I'm about to enter a corporate office. Maybe it's because of the necktie, but somehow the coat has something to do with it. The navy blue coat looked regal but I'm right about it making me appear a bit older. I changed the type A uniform and switched to type B and I was right too, I liked it. It definitely felt light and cool compared to the feeling of being wrapped tight.

By the time my dad got home, my stepmom had finished preparing an early dinner for us. They both asked how my first day was and I just said it was okay. I mean I'm not going to tell them that I planned to enter late and that I was humiliated right in front of everybody. The rest of the dinner conversation focused on the baby inside Wednesday's tummy. They are already planning on buying some clothes and stuff for the baby.

I was quiet for a moment. They don't even know if it's a boy or a girl and they've already got everything sorted out. I forced myself to join in with the conversation just because I didn't want to make them feel like I'm getting jealous of this superb attention that they're giving to this unborn child.


I woke up the next day just as the alarm clock began doing its given job. I let it beep for a moment and I just realized that I feel the exact same feeling that I felt yesterday. I don't want to go to school. Yesterday was because I wasn't ready but this day, it's because I'm about to be doomed. I thought that everybody else here in Mary Heights is starting their day with the alarm clock going off and feeling the unwillingness to enter school but I was just trying to make myself feel less guilty and more scared. I ceased the thought, however, the unwillingness to go to school kept me chained on my bed for about five more minutes.

I couldn't help but ponder about the terrible things that Ambrose might do to me. I only heard of violent things about him but I'm not quite sure about the things he could actually do to me. I don't want to limit my expectations. I imagined him really beating the shit out of my face. I imagined him bringing his circle to gang up on me.

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