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I feel like I've just jumped towards the open ocean full of hungry sharks and I don't even know how to swim. Nicole just announced to the whole world that me and Rachel are a couple and things have just turned crazier. She didn't asked permission and just ran her mouth without even thinking about the possible ruckus that it will create. Almost everybody who doesn't know about it gasped like it's some kind of a big news. Some of the people who have heard it were still gagged but that's not even a surprise at all. And then my relationship with Ambrose just had a drastic turn. This is going to be one hell of a rollercoaster ride.

This isn't what I meant when I want my high school experience to be exciting and worth remembering. This is a reach but this is the reality that I have to face. I'm just single yesterday and now I already have a freaking girlfriend. That's like the last thing that a gay person would do.

Who would've thought that I was slaying my straight game way too hard?

I was physically present during Geometry but my mind is off having its own journey somewhere else. I couldn't believe what happened during our lunch break. I had never planned any of those shenanigans to happen but it did. I think I just fucked myself up.

I was just trying to save Rachel from being embarrassed around her friends and it got me fucked up as a result. I know she told Victoria that we are a thing without telling me about it first and that's some next level delusion bullshit. I'm going to admit that a part of me thought that if I said that Rachel is my girlfriend that I don't have much of a problem having a conversation with her about it. That insensible act alone was a double edged sword and it surely got me cut.

I might be stupid sometimes but not all the time. Victoria and Nicole are like the most ruthless teenagers that I've encountered. They might have been giving this pressure to Rachel that she had to lie to them that we are a couple. Now that lie isn't a lie anymore. It has become the truth and I think her heart is going berserk in excitement and happiness.

I get the fact that I'm moving at a snail pace. My desire to take things slow just didn't work out as I would've thought it would be. I feel like I have just taken a giant leap right after dragging myself sluggishly.

It is without a doubt that Rachel has a lot of explaining to do but I didn't want to pressure her. I planned on having a smooth conversation with her about the theatric that she pulled out. I ended up looking for her first thing right after our class ended.

"Hey there," I leaned against the wall as Rachel was busy returning her stuff inside her locker. I looked like one of those dudes who's trying to please a girl.

"Hey there handsome!" She replied giving me that half, sort of timid smile again.

"I was thinking we should talk about the..."

"I was thinking the same thing." She replied without even letting me finish my sentence.

"Do you want to grab some ice cream downtown?" I offered not wanting to start the conversation right off the bat. Just like playing a sport, we all have to warm up first.

"Sure," Rachel nodded in agreement.

We ended up on a short walking trip to the nearest ice-cream store and throughout the trip, no one really wants to take the steering wheel and start a conversation. The great queen that's called silence was reigning in its full glory and I was feeling the awkwardness flickering in the air. Deep inside, Rachel might be writhing in humiliation knowing that she fucked up and that she had to scramble and do some damage control. I was just being quiet because I don't want to make things even more awkward than it already is.

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