CHAPTER 8.2: The Kiss

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The sun was just climbing its way above the Sunday horizon when I found myself sitting at our front porch while staring at my phone screen. Apparently, I've done something that's worth regretting. I cannot freaking believe that I just sent all of these corny messages to the one and only Rachel Curtis, the most popular girl at school. Who am I kidding? She's basically a goddess and I'm just a nobody dead hungry for this thing called popularity. I know I made a big mistake when I landed my fist on Ambrose but now I'm starting to think that playing with Rachel Curtis is the biggest mistake that I've made to top that. I really think I'm going somewhere for this small act of manipulation. I was well encapsulated in a conscious state of mind when I sent all of these text messages but now I'm starting to reap the feeling of regret. Every single word that I've said most definitely meant something, not to me but to her.

Am I a playboy now?

The question suddenly popped out of my head. It is a random thought but it is kind of making sense in my current situation. It is not in my purest intention to fuck with Rachel's feelings or anyone's feelings but I needed her for my own protection.

I spent the entire Sunday thinking about the things that I should be expecting when Monday arrives. I don't know why I was getting anxious but I couldn't stop thinking about Ambrose. The last time I saw him was when we went back to school to get my bicycle that I left last Friday. He showed up out of the blue and I am not going to hide the fact that I shuddered from his stare. He looked like he's already skinning me alive and I just don't know what sort of horrible thing he can do to me. And then there's this thing that I did with Rachel. I wasn't being too explicit to her but my text messages were all sweet and cheesy as if I was trying to make her my girlfriend in the most oblivious way possible.

I had a normal family day with my dad and my stepmom. It's not surprising but we were bonding like we've been a family for a long time. We just spent the entire afternoon playing different sets of board games and it has been so much fun. This is the first time that I'm going to spend a complete familial bonding after losing my biological mother several months ago and I'm going to say I'm happy with the results. I was carefully observing my dad and he was genuinely happy about his decisions. I was incredibly shocked when my dad revealed to me that he's found someone new in just a few months after my mom died. It had me confused for a few weeks until I realized that moving on isn't always about staying single for a long time but it can also be found through meeting someone new. I couldn't be happier for him. I also had the time to get to know Wednesday in a very intimate way. She looked nice and kind during the first time that I met her and now that we've had some time to bond and get to know each other a little bit better, all I have to say to her is that she's a what you see is what you get kind of person.

We all continued playing board games until the night broke and it got me perfectly distracted from getting anxious. Our dinner was a bit late compared to the usual early schedule that was used to during weekdays and it's probably because we are so immersed in beating each other.

Just when I thought Monday won't be here soon, it came even quicker than I thought. I went to bed at ten and closed my eyes hoping that the night will be long enough for me to have a nice sweet dream, however, by the time I opened my eyes the sun is already up. I might still be dreaming, I thought I've only closed my eyes for a good two hours but now it's already morning. It's time to face the things that I'm not yet ready to face.

I just got out of the shower and was already slipping on my button-down shirt when I received a text message from Rachel. It was just a simple greeting of good morning but it warranted things that she's already captured by the sweet words that I've sent to her. Mary had already called it, and although I wanted to refuse to believe her observations, it is quite true that Rachel has a thing for me. She already tried to kiss me and that alone should make me extra careful of the things that I will do and say to her. I like Rachel, she's a pretty girl, she's actually nice and quite frankly humble, but that's just all about it. I do really admire her despite the short time that I've spent with her but I'm pretty sure that I'm gay and not bisexual because I haven't felt the giddiness that I should be feeling when I'm around her.

Mary was the first person I wanted to see at school, there are lots of things that I wanted to tell her but when I arrived, she was nowhere to be seen. It was totally disappointing that she's not around when I have lots of tea to spill and teas are best served when they're hot. She would usually just sneak up on me when I'm not expecting her and maybe that's what she'll do today. I thought I'd do a normal routine today and head towards my locker. I traveled the hallway still feeling the pressure of this Monday morning and I noticed a myriad of eyes gazing over me. I thought I would feel conscious about it but I'm actually starting to feel really good about it. I thought I would feel embarrassed by the people watching me as they exchange inaudible whispers but this is utterly different. This is because I'm well aware of the fact that I haven't done anything scandalous. I can hear some of them whispering muffled sentences and I guess it's about me and Rachel just because I heard the name. I kind of want to stop walking and just ask them about it but then the feeling of being popular took over me.

I headed straight towards my locker and prepared the things that I need for the first period when Rachel suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"Woah, Jesus Christ!" I jumped out after closing my locker. "Rachel, you scared the shit out of me."

"I'm sorry," She giggled. "I'm just excited to see you."

"Oh, that's nice to hear." I spat.

Rachel was straight to the point when she said that she's excited to see me and it got me baffled for a quick moment. I didn't have the right words to respond.

"You look pretty today," I uttered. I was thrown into a quick panic mode and I didn't even realize that I just complimented her.

"Thank you." She replied and followed it with her signature half-smile. "And you look quite handsome today."

"Me?" I asked. I know I looked at myself in front of the mirror earlier and I thought I looked pretty normal but to hear this word come out of Rachel's mouth is really something.

"Yeah, you do."

"Well, thank you then."

"Anyway, we had fun hanging out with you last Friday and I just thought if we could have our lunch together?" Rachel said in a very blatant way of letting me know that she had enjoyed my company.

"S-sure." I replied with a bit of uncertainty.

"Okay, see you later then." Rachel spat and just like that, I'm invited to have lunch with them. Rachel gave me a quick smile and then began walking away.

That was quite arandom yet meaningful small talk. Rachel and I just complimented each other andalthough for me that wasn't something of a big deal, but for Rachel, it ispossibly quite special. I was highly expecting that she might still feel a bitawkward after trying to kiss me but I didn't get that feeling from her. I guessI have really made Rachel comfortable with me that all of the possibleawkwardness just dissolved into nothingness.

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