Volume 6 Chapter 5 - Cynthia Goodsky

Start from the beginning

Only then did I become aware of the intense waves of hostility I had unconsciously directed toward him, causing those in close proximity to feel the weight of it as well.

I retreated inward, understanding the futility of challenging Gary. There was no denying that he held power beyond my reach.

"Grampa, what happened?" Tessia's voice trembled with concern as she hurried to the scene, joined by the rest of the Paladins. Their faces contorted in shock and grief as they laid eyes upon Cynthia's lifeless body.

"No, no!" Tessia's voice cracked, and tears streamed down her cheeks unabated. She knelt beside Cynthia, her hands trembling as she reached out to touch her fallen mentor. "Master, why did you have to leave us like this? Why?"

Each of the Paladins shared the same pained expression, their hearts heavy with the weight of the sudden loss.

In the midst of the despair, a surge of raw mana burst forth from Lancelot's body, capturing everyone's attention.

"Lancelot?" Rachel's voice quivered, her eyes widening as she witnessed the uncontrolled outpouring of his magical energy.

My teeth clenched as I fought against the sheer force of Lancelot's unleashed power, even though I was at the mid silver stage. The Paladins were on an entirely different level altogether.

"I need to speak with Gary about this," Lancelot declared, determination etched across his face as he began to stride in the direction Gary had gone. However, his path was abruptly halted as Kathyln firmly grasped his arm, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and resolve.

"Stop," Kathyln's voice held a quiet strength, her grip unyielding. "Let me handle this conversation with Gary."

The surge of mana intensified as Lancelot unleashed a torrent of his wind magic, attempting to shake Kathyln off. In response, Kathyln summoned her own ice magic, forming a formidable barrier against his onslaught.

Their powers clashed, creating an equilibrium between them, as Lancelot refrained from utilizing his Spirit Magic or accessing his full Mana Sovereign potential.

Lancelot's gaze hardened, his teeth clenched, and then, with a sigh, he relented, allowing his mana to subside. "You win, Kathyln," he conceded, his voice tinged with resignation, before turning away.

It was then that my attention was drawn to the trail of crimson blood staining the floor, originating from Lancelot's tightly clenched fist.


I entered my private office, shutting the door behind me to envelop myself in solitude. Settling into the plush leather chair, I surrendered to its comfortable embrace, activating Monarch's Indifference, a magical enchantment that shielded my emotions from prying eyes.

Leaning back, I allowed my gaze to wander across the expanse of the room. It was an office befitting the Commander of Dicathen, exuding an air of grandeur through its magnificent tapestries adorning the walls. The opulence was further emphasised by the presence of two luxurious leather couches and an elegant glass table situated to the side.

"Enter," I called out, recognising the visitor before she even had the chance to knock.

Kathyln entered through the door, her usual stoic expression momentarily overtaken by a genuine smile. "How are you holding up, dear Gary?" she asked, her voice soft and comforting.

I deactivated Monarch's Indifference, allowing the floodgates of emotions to reopen. A surge of warmth enveloped me as I admired her breathtaking beauty.

Kathyln possessed an exquisite balance of grace and allure, her petite frame adorned with feminine curves that captivated the eye. Her Paladin's uniform had been exchanged for a translucent nightgown, accentuating her flawless, creamy skin that delicately hugged her adult form.

"I'm managing," I replied with a sigh, my gaze locked on her radiant presence. "Though I must deal with the matter of these traitors following Cynthia's demise."

Understanding the weight of the situation, Kathyln nodded in acknowledgment and stepped closer, her rose-colored lips gleaming in the soft lighting. In an instinctive response, I pushed my chair back and leaned against the desk, opening my arms to welcome her embrace.

She settled into my embrace, her delicate form fitting perfectly against my body. Her legs wrapped around my hips and her arms encircled my back, seeking solace and comfort. As she nestled her head into my chest, a subtle fragrance of her presence intoxicated my senses, igniting a delightful tingle throughout my being.

A playful smile curved my lips as Kathyln remarked, "You seem rather eager already." Her lips met mine in a fervent kiss, igniting a spark of passion between us.

"It's the rush of teenage hormones," I chuckled, reciprocating the intensity of our embrace.

"Don't pretend you don't feel the same, Kathyln," I whispered seductively, my tongue lightly tracing her neck, causing a delightful shiver to course through her body.

Amidst our intimate moment, I paused to inquire, "Did you come here solely for this?"

Kathyln shook her head, her body trembling slightly with anticipation. "No, there are other matters to attend to, but they can wait until tomorrow. For now, let me ease your stress and provide you with the solace you seek."

Consumed by carnal instincts and base lust, I devoured Kathyln's porcelain skin like a hungry beast, drawing a languid path upon her clear skin, feeling the sweetness attempting to quench my thirst. 

"Do you wish to go all the way?" I asked her as she moaned after I licked her nape.

"Y-yes," she replied as I unbuttoned her blouse, revealing her exquisite body. I got lost in the ecstasy as I moved my mouth lower and lower, tasting her as I did so.

Moans escaped her lips as we continued on, the sky turning black as the sun continued to descend below the horizon.

After we were done, I laid Kathyln's figure down on the side, her panting from exhaustion as sweat dripped from every pore in her body.

"Do you not wish to continue?" she asked, her voice laced with disappointment.

"You've taken quite a bit of my time, Kathyln," I replied, my tone firm. "But let's not dwell on that for now. Tell me, what did you want to discuss?"

"Cynthia Goodsky," she answered, her expression serious. "You knew she would die, so why didn't you take any action?"

"Her death served a purpose," I explained calmly. "She was a necessary sacrifice to draw out the traitors. Now that their identities are revealed, I can exploit their weaknesses and turn the situation to our advantage. Furthermore, her demise will ignite a fire within the Paladins, driving them to become stronger."

Kathyln scoffed, her eyes filled with disbelief. "You can't justify this with excuses. Your plan was flawed. What's really going on, Gary?"

I averted my gaze, a hint of vulnerability flickering in my eyes.

Silence hung in the air, and then Kathyln lunged at me, wrapping her arms around me once again.

"If you don't want to share, that's alright," Kathyln whispered. "Just remember, you have allies, not just pawns. You don't have to bear everything on your own. I am here for you."

I nodded as our passion reignited, continuing our intimate connection to the bed.

[A/N: Remember to vote if you guys like this chapter! It helps me in gauging the quality of my writing!]

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