Volume 6 Chapter 0 - Prologue

Start from the beginning

Varay, positioned against the wall behind Priscilla Glayder, spoke with a composed yet resolute demeanor. "While my knowledge of the Dicatheous's construction is limited, I concur with the artificer's assessment. The absence of any discernible evidence on the ship suggests that those aboard had intentionally concealed their identities."

Gary nodded in agreement, his eyes thoughtful as he considered the hypothetical scenario. "Indeed, it is a plausible explanation. If the Alacryans sought to deceive us into believing they possessed such shipbuilding capabilities, it would serve as a strategy to divide our forces."

A glimmer of hope flickered in Blaine's eyes as he returned to the table, sensing the possibility that the worst-case scenario might not be the only future awaiting them. "That makes sense! By making us think they had the means to construct these ships, the Alacryans could force us to scatter our troops!"

A measured silence settled over the meeting hall until Alduin broke it with a counterpoint. He leaned forward, his voice filled with reason and skepticism. "While that may hold some merit, the location where the ship washed ashore leaves me uncertain. If the Alacryans truly intended to divide our forces, it would be more strategic for them to abandon the ship along the western coast, where we anticipate their attack. Moreover, the cove where the ship was discovered is far too inconspicuous for them to rely on us stumbling upon it. Given the unpredictable tide levels and the constant erosion of the bedrocks, it's nothing short of a miracle that we even found the ship in the first place."

Aldir, ever the wise and discerning voice, interjected with his perspective. "Regardless of the likelihood, the crucial question remains: is it a risk worth taking? Cynthia, the Alacryan, believed her people were quietly amassing an army deep within the Beast Glades. However, it would be naive to assume that was their sole plan. Having dealt with Vritras before, I can attest to their intelligence and cunning. It is uncharacteristic of them to adopt such a straightforward strategy."

The meeting hall fell into contemplative silence, each individual absorbing the weight of the information and the implications it held. After a brief pause, Gary drew a resigned sigh.

"In any case, we must prepare ourselves for the possibility of a two-pronged attack," Gary declared with a hint of weariness. "It was a grave mistake on the Council's part to send a ship into unknown territory without proper planning. Now, we must face the consequences of our actions."

Guilt swelled within me, mirroring the emotions of my fellow council members, as the weight of our mistake bore down upon us. Sensing the need to address the growing unease, Gary broke the silence.

"What about the dwarves?" he inquired, his voice tinged with urgency.

Merial, ever efficient, stepped forward to provide the latest update. "While they remain somewhat skeptical about full cooperation, they have agreed to dispatch a contingent of their skilled shapers to assist in fortifying the walls along the Grand Mountains," she reported, placing a stack of papers into Gary's waiting hands.

"Excellent," Gary acknowledged, his nod carrying a sense of relief. "It's a promising start. We will need the aid of their mages to reinforce the vulnerable gaps between Sapin and the Beast Glades that the Grand Mountains do not cover."

Turning his attention to the naval defenses, Gary continued, "Regarding the ships, I will allocate a division of Paladins to station near Etistin. Their presence will ensure readiness and eliminate any chance of surprises from the sea."

With the key decisions made, the meeting drew to a close. As I exited the room, my mind lingered on Gary, his dedication and strategic acumen. He was so young yet he had proven himself time and again, exhibiting unwavering leadership within the Council. His adept handling of both large-scale and small-scale battle tactics had successfully shielded the general public from the brunt of the conflicts. However, if Gideon's speculations proved true, it wouldn't be long before the war's impact reached every corner of society, engulfing soldiers and civilians alike.


The rigorous training I underwent under the guidance of Master Aldir and Lances Aya and Alea had undoubtedly contributed to my growth. However, the more I progressed, the more painfully aware I became of my own limitations. In comparison to my fellow Paladins, my advancements seemed minuscule.

To be more precise, my current level of strength could hardly be considered on par with the other Paladins.

While the Lances also experienced significant growth, I had surpassed them all, including Lance Varay, in terms of power. Yet, even Kathyln, who had always been at a similar level as me, had now ascended to heights that seemed insurmountable. Despite both of us reaching the white stage and my seniority, I knew that in a confrontation, I would stand no chance against her.

The intensity of our dungeon dive was palpable, with each step deeper into the treacherous labyrinth revealing more formidable adversaries. The emergence of S and SS-class beasts signaled a dangerous turn of events, requiring the deployment of the most skilled and powerful members of our team. Amidst the chaos, Kathyln and I were entrusted with the task of confronting these formidable foes, while our fellow comrades were preoccupied with their own critical missions.

As an experienced warrior, I possessed the strength and skill to dispatch SS-class beasts with relative ease. However, witnessing Kathyln in action sent an electrifying chill down my spine. Her proficiency and finesse in eliminating these monstrous creatures surpassed anything I had ever witnessed before.

It was as if she was embarking on a leisurely stroll through a serene garden, her movements graceful and effortless, yet lethal in their precision. With each encounter, she effortlessly neutralised the mana-infused beasts, her strikes swift and decisive. Her mastery over her abilities was awe-inspiring, leaving no room for doubt about her unparalleled prowess.

Our dungeon dive progressed smoothly, the combined might of our team clearing each obstacle with efficiency and precision. Victory seemed within our grasp, and the prospect of returning home after this arduous expedition filled our hearts with anticipation.

Finally, we reached the heart of the dungeon, the den of the mutant beast that lay in wait. 

[A/N: Remember to vote if you guys like this chapter! It helps me in gauging the quality of my writing!]

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