Bonus Chapter #1: How the Devil was born

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At a hospital in Tokyo

3rd person POV

???: Are you sure this is a good idea? 

Atsuomi: Believe me, your child will be a great subject for our experiments. After all, you paid a lot for this very project. In return, you will have a child that will surpass your expectations and even to the point where at a young age. This child will run your family as it's worthy heir. 

???: I hope so. Ever since my husband died, I don't even know what to do anymore. I hope you can serve as his father figure. 

Atsuomi: Don't worry, I will take good care of your child. Of course, as long as you continue to provide me the money, I need to ensure that this project is well under way. 

???: I understand. Please take care of Haru for me. 

Atsuomi: Don't worry Mrs. Daigo. I am capable of handling children really well. 

He looked at the child. 

He noticed his unusually crimson-colored eyes. 

Atsuomi: (It's like looking at a monster, no, a Devil. His eyes almost remind me of my son's. You will make a truly terrifying prodigy indeed.) 




Two years later

Haru POV

This is plain boring. 

I saw my instructor heading towards me. 

I think his name is Shigeru Kaito or something. 

Whatever, I'm just going to casually succeed in whatever test I'm forced to go through. 

The instructor looked at me and showed me a gummy bear. 

Is he going to feed me with that or the more likely case it could be a reward if I pass a test. 

"I want you to do something simple. I will put this gummy bear in my hands and put it on my back. I want you to guess which hand has the gummy bear." sensei said. 

Sounds simple enough. 

Though it is 50/50 and the likelihood of me failing this is 50/50.

Not too difficult nor easy. 

I managed to easily get through four rounds until the instructor decides to put it behind his back instead of showing me his hands like before. 

I've seen this test done by a lot of children, and they seem to fail at this one. 

But I already know how to deal with this.

Shigeru-sensei asked me where the gummy bear is. 

I looked around my surroundings. 

I saw a few instructors just outside the window of this room, observing me. 

Their facial expression seems normal. 

But on instructor was looking at something. 

His eyes were on the direction of Shigeru-sensei's hands and even smirking as well. 

Odd that he would smirk like that.

I see now. 

Without hesitation I answered. 

"It's not within your hands, it's behind your pocket." 

Sensei looked shocked. 

As he then pulls out the gummy bear from his back pocket. 

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