Chapter 88: Divide and Conquer/Betrayal?

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Ayanokouji POV

It's the 4th day and so far, Kurumi, Nanase, and I already finished our tasks and made it first to those destinations earning us even more points. At this pace, we might already be ahead at this point. 

It was almost sundown and the three of us needed to setup camp. 

But I noticed a group of students that already set up a fire and doing other things, it was the Ayanokouji Group. Perfect, this might be the chance I need to get more info or at least something I can use in the future. 

"Hey, you two, let's head there" I pointed at the Ayanokouji Group 

"Huh? other people are nearby? are you sure this is a good idea Ayanokouji-senpai?" Nanase asked 

"Don't worry, they're just my friends from Class B. You can trust them" I said 

"Well, if Ayanokouji-kun says they're friendly then I'm going" Kurumi said as the three of us headed to their camp and said our hellos 

"Kiyotaka, how have you been doing buddy" Akito greeted me as we both gave each other a fist bump 

"Kiyopon" Haruka greeted me as well 

"Kiyopon?" Kurumi asked in confusion 

"It's a nickname she gave me" I replied 

"I see" 

"Hold on, isn't she a 1st year?" Keisei asked as he pointed at Nanase 


"My name is Nanase Tsubasa from Class 1-D, nice to meet you" she said formally greeting them. 

"Nice to meet you, but hold on isn't she the person who was with that tall looking delinquent?" Akito asked 

"Yeah, but don't worry. You can trust her. She's on my side" I said 

"Are you sure, she does seem pretty suspicious" Keisei said 

"Don't worry senpais, I'm not planning anything. Just like what Ayanokouji-senpai said. I'm not here to cause trouble" Nanase said 

"Well, that's good know anyways Kiyopon who's the beautiful girl you're with?" Haruka asked 

"Her?" I spoke as I looked at Kurumi 

"Ah yes, let me introduce myself. I'm Tokisaki Kurumi from Class 2-S. Nice to meet you" she said as she bowed in front of them 

"So, you're from Class S too?" Keisei asked 

"Yes, I am" Kurumi replied

"At least I can trust you since you are associated with Kiyotaka's class, but I'd like to ask. What about her? what's her story?" Keisei asked as he was referring to Nanase 

"Well, you could say that she's a friend of mine before enrolling to this school" I replied 

"That's right, senpai and I knew each other before he went to this school" Nanase said 

"Anyways, I'd like to ask the questions now. Why is Airi with you guys? shouldn't there only be three members of each group for the 2nd and 3rd years?" I asked 

"Well, actually she gained a bonus card which allowed Airi to join any group she wants. The bonus card is called "Extra people" which gave her the ability to be a 4th member of a group that already has three members before the exam, so we are lucky to have the entire group here" Keisei explained 

"Well, that's convenient" I said 

"Anyways, how's your progress in this exam Kiyotaka?" Akito asked 

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