Chapter 158: Winner takes all

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3rd person POV

Shigeru-sensei is currently holding a megaphone as the students all line up. 

Shigeru: Good morning, everyone, I hope everyone is prepared for what's to come. The school has already chosen five events in total, but we will only announce one event at a time before we get to the next. These events can be individual, or team based. Also, make sure you choose your members properly. You can't have them compete in the next event so strategy matters here as well. Am I clear?

Everyone: Yes sir! 

Shigeru: Now I will announce the first event. A 2-vs-2 tennis. 

Light/Ryuzaki: Hmm?

Shigeru: Please choose your representatives within 5 minutes. 

Both classes begin to have their meeting. 

Class S

Kei: I think we know who we should play for us. 

Light: Well, since you insist. Ryuzaki?

Ryuzaki: Sure. I didn't take our last game seriously with Hashimoto in the last exam. After all, Kiyotaka himself told us to hold back a bit during that. 

Light: I don't know why we had to hold back there but I suppose from what I learned last year, that was that we're letting Sakayanagi run her pride around until she losses the final event painfully. At least based on my perspective. 

Ryuzaki: I think we can take this game seriously now unlike last year. Since this is a different Class A. Don't you agree? 

Ayanokouji: Just do whatever it takes. 

Light and Ryuzaki nodded. 

Class A

Haru: Hashimoto, I'm sure you wouldn't mind. 

Hashimoto: Of course not. I'm playing anyway. 

Horikita: Still trying to be in charge?

Haru: Listen, you're not capable of beating Class S. I'm not one of those overconfident people that cope too much in to thinking they can beat them. I know how dangerous they are, and you should know that too. 

Horikita: Yeah, but you can't just do your own thing. This is getting ridiculous. 

Haru: They're smarter, stronger, and cleverer than you could ever be. Face it, I know their class more than you do. You see it yourself; they're monsters in their own right. I assume you know how to beat them Hashimoto.

Hashimoto: Of course, if their sending Light and Ryuzaki again. I'll just beat them again. 

Haru: (Actually that won't happen, even I knew in the final exam of last year, they intentionally held back. Those two are champions of that sport after all. Those two can beat Hashimoto without a single thought. But oh well, this is just to make things interesting. It would be too boring right away to bring in myself, Tadashi, or Koenji this early.)

With the teams locked in they prepare themselves. 

Hashimoto: I knew they would send you two. 

Light: What can I say, we're always back for more. 

Hashimoto: Whatever, I can solo the both of you like I did last year. 

Random: Are you really just going to ignore me?

Ryuzaki: You know Hashimoto-san. 

Hashimoto: Hmm?

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