Chapter 93: A Swindler for the Uncrowned King

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3rd person POV 

Daigo: He should be arriving soon 

Utomiya: So, you're not going to pay me directly? 

Daigo: I have an accomplice in the 2nd year who pretty much is providing me the private points. 

Utomiya: Is that possible? 

Daigo: Listen, I have more connections with different people in this school so pretty much, expect me to always have a few tricks up my sleeve. 

Utomiya: I'll keep that in mind 

Suddenly the mysterious student arrives. 

???: Alright how much is it again? 10 million? 

Daigo: yep 

Utomiya: So, this is the guy who's been providing points for you?

Daigo: Yes, this is Chikao Tadashi from Class 2-A. He's my inside man that's been providing me points 

Utomiya: And how is that possible?

Chikao: That's a secret 

A/N: If you're wondering who this character is. He's a new original character in this universe and no he's not from the White Room. He's just a born genius like Sakayanagi, except for the fact that he's as cold as Haru. Small backstory about him. He's born into a family of swindlers, despite that, his father thought him a lot at a very young age. He was so good at swindling that at the age of 9, he was able to swindle a high-ranking Yakuza member into giving him 5 million yen. It led to his parent's death however years later, but he managed to go into hiding and eventually started studying in ANHS.  

Likes: Money, Hoodies, Math, people who do whatever it takes to win, dark chocolate

Dislikes: Poor people, Yakuza 

OAA rating: 

Academic Ability: A+ 

Adaptability: B+ 

Physical ability: B- 

Social contribution: B 

Overall: B

Also, this is what he looks like:

Also, this is what he looks like:

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(Not mine)

Anyways back to the story 

Daigo: I have him to thank for getting me the points I need since Class D last year was a pain in the ass since I barely get any points by the end of the month 

Utomiya: alright just pay me okay 

Chikao: Alright, I'm already on that. Hey Daigo-san how are you in 3rd place anyway? 

Daigo: Well apparently Koenji is one tough bastard and as for the other one that got 1st place. He's the guy you should be watching out for Tadashi 

Chikao: You mean the guy that Sakayanagi and Togami want to beat? I've heard their story time and time again and it's starting to get boring. Seriously when are you going to transfer?

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