Chapter 141: Queen's Fall (Part 1)

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Haru POV

"I will now explain the rules of this event." Chabashira-sensei then explain the details of the final event.

2 lies, 1 truth.

An unusual event to say the least.

But after much assessment of each event.

The first mine was obviously our class and then the rest were events from Class 1-D and Class 3-A.

So, this is Sakayanagi's event.

Is this her way of trying to outsmart me through deception and using facts?

It doesn't matter.

Getting to Class A is inevitable anyway.

Anyway, I listened to the rules of the event as follows.

Rules for the event

1. 3 representatives of your chosen will be distributed 9 cards for each class. Write 6 lies and 3 truths on it. Also write the answer on the bottom of the card so no one will see the answer. You will choose and give 1 truth card and 2 lie cards to the faculty member in charge to shuffle them and the process repeats 5 times.

2. A faculty member will shuffle these cards.

3. 3 cards will be given to each class.

4. With the three cards, you must identify all three of those cards if they are truth or a lie.

5. You will also be given different colored ink stamps to indicate your answer. Blue is truth and red is lie.

6. Points will be given based on the number of correct answers you accumulated.

7. Also, the cards that already have been stamped on will be removed and you will be given another 3 cards after.

8. There are 5 rounds. Whichever class gets the most correct answers will win this event.

9. You are also allowed to discuss with the others if you choose to do so. You only have 30 minutes to discuss once per round.

I see, so we can pick any card of our choosing as long as it's one truth and two lies.

Of course, I am quite the liar.

I'm an avid liar at best.

I have kept my true strength in this school for some time now and the only one I've ever gone all out was against Kiyotaka himself or so he thinks.

Either way given that I need two people to help me write the lies and truths need for this event.

I already know how to win this.

"Now choose your representatives." Chabashira-sensei said.

Each class began discussing who their representatives are going to be.

I know who I want to be the representatives.

Class 2-B

Haru: I'll be the representative.

Horikita: I won't allow that.

Haru: Why not?

Hirata: You have should I say this nicely...a bit uncontrollable.

Haru: Uncontrollable? me?

Karuizawa: Well, you all you did was horse around after winning one event and somehow, we ended up losing two events in a row. You were almost missing in action in those two events.

Class S: Last Elites Standing (COTE fancfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ