Chapter 105: The Demon's Ambition/Sports Festival 2

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The past

At an unknown facility

3rd person POV

???: No! please don't do it I beg of you! 

Daigo: Don't worry, it won't hurt. Actually, it will hurt a lot 

???: Wait! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! 

While this unspeakable scene was unfolding. Two people were watching a 9-year-old Daigo Haru killing an instructor. 

Tsukishiro: *sigh* that was the 8th instructor that he killed. Are you sure we shouldn't keep him on a leash at this point? 

Atsoumi (Professor Ayanokouji): That won't be necessary. He has as much potential as my son. 

Tsukishiro: And yet out of all the children in this entire program. He's the most bloodthirsty and ruthless of them all 

Atsoumi: Do you believe that? 

Tsukishiro: I think he has the potential to be on the same level as your masterpiece or even surpass him 

Atsoumi: Ridiculous, compared to my son. At least he's more composed but him on the other hand. I think despite his aggressive behavior, he has his uses. 

Tsukishiro: I see, Daigo-kun is the definition of a weapon. He'll follow orders without hesitation mostly yours because when it comes to the other instructors however, he tears them to shreds and even started tasting their blood. 

Atsoumi: I know, his intelligence, cunning, and his bloodlust is on another level but not close to the Masterpiece, but I am intrigued with how he will progress as I continue my experiment. 

Even at 9 years of age. Daigo Haru is an intelligent, bloodthirsty, uncaring, manipulative, and brutal child. 

His rigorous training and thirst for blood led him to be a close 2nd to Kiyotaka himself. 

How Haru got his bloodthirsty side is still unknown to the rest aside from those of Professor Ayanokouji, Tsukishiro, and of course Haru himself. 

Present day

Daigo POV

It's only a matter of time until my control over year level looms.

And once that happens. All I need to do is to put pressure on Kiyotaka until he forces the final battle that I've been waiting for. 

But I'll let the other class destroy themselves for my entertainment. 

As I walked around the cafeteria, I noticed a some of Class A's notable figures being there. 

Sakayanagi, Hashimoto, Kamuro, Togami, and even Kito and Tadashi are there

Good, he followed my order to now actually cooperate since it's also part of my plan. 

I can't have Class A under my control but destroying them on the inside is better. 

Tadashi told me that Togami has been slowly going rogue on Sakayanagi since he's more focused on defeating Kiyotaka and Tadashi is finding ways to fan the flames. 

As for Sakayanagi, I'm already guessing that she might be aware of Class B and Class D's alliance for this sports festival knowing that she has spies around her ranks. 

I never played for any side in this school other than myself so how about we cause a bit more chaos 

I headed towards their table as they now had their eyes on me when I arrived 

"What are you doing here?" Togami asked, clearly disgusted by my presence. 

"Well, this is a surprise. What are you doing here Daigo-kun? come here to get info on our plans?" Sakayanagi asked 

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