Chapter 56: Knowing the 2nd years/Storytime with Katagiri Yuuichi

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Yumeko POV

Finding info about the 2nd years is quite tough. Although Nanami-senpai is on our side. She seems to be keeping quiet. I guess it couldn't be helped since she might end up being Nagumo's target. So, I decided to find another way. I decided to ask around and find a 2nd year girl. Luckily, I managed to ask Nanami-senpai who told me to talk to someone named Asahina Nazuna who was a 2nd year from Class A. Nanami-senpai told me that she's a good friend of hers and I can trust her. She also described her as having long chocolate-brown hair with a sunflower hair pin. With that information, I decided to find Asahina-senpai. 

It took me a few minutes and I managed to find Asahina-senpai. 

"Hello, are you Asahina-senpai?" I asked 

"Oh hello, are you a kouhai?" she asked 

"Why yes, Jabami Yumeko from, Class 1-S, nice to meet you" I said as I gave her a hand 

"Class S? Ohh that special class that Fuka-chan and Chiaki-chan have been talking about? she asked 

"Yes, I am from Class S, also nice amulet there" I said

"Thanks, anyways what do you want?" alright time to work my magic. 

"I want to get straight to the point, I want information." I spoke 

"Information? on who?" 

"You know who I'm talking about, I'm sure Nanami-senpai told you about him right?" 

"And by "him" do you mean Miyabi?" Asahina-senpai asked 

"That's right." I replied 

"Do you know anything about what he's doing right now or what he plans for the girls?" I asked 

"Well, to be honest I don't think I can say much." she replied 

"Don't worry about it, he won't know that one of his fellow classmates decided to feed Class S information about him and the rest of the 2nd years. We can keep this a secret if that's alright?" I asked 

"Well, I guess so. Since you are from Class S, you must be friends with Ayanokouji-kun." she said 

"You know him?" 

"Well, he did actually help me find my amulet that I lost once" she explained 

Huh? did Ayanokouji-kun help her in the past? When did this happen? 

"I haven't actually managed to thank him yet, so please tell him when you see him. Plus, I do owe him one after all, so I guess I wouldn't mind telling you about Miyabi and what's being going on with the other groups" she said

"That's great" I said happily 

From there Asahina-senpai told me enough information about what's going on. She told me that Miyabi despite his ruthless actions, he is an honest man who would never lie and would always play fair. She also told me about that there is one group that had been very particular in who they pick for their group and apparently Tachibana-senpai got caught up in it. She added that even Nanami-senpai has been curious about why this group in particular are doing this. 

"I see but do you really trust someone like Nagumo?" I asked 

"I did tell you that he's a man of his word so there isn't much for me to say" she replied


Yuuichi POV

The boys are getting ready for bed, it was a bit awkward with all that silent. We are all just minding our business until Hashimoto broke the silence.

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