Short Story #2: Karma Akabane

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So, if you're wondering. How the hell did I end up from Class E in Kunugigaoka Junior High School to one of the most prestigious schools in Japan created by the government known as Tokyo Metropolitan Advance Nurturing High School and placed in one of the best classes that I've ever been in? Don't get me wrong. It's impressive that I can achieve something like this and studying in a school were you're just given free money in the form of points rather than actual cash. But it just feels so sudden that I wasn't even prepared to suddenly leave my previous school and leaving a lot of good friends behind. Especially Nagisa-kun.  

I guess it all started with a letter that the principal gave me. I thought back then that it was suspicious and probably something that could be a plan of his to take down Class E but no it wasn't. It was a letter from the very school that I ended up transferring to. They seemed to recognize my abilities and they wanted me to enroll in this school in order to prove this school's expectations. I was shocked, it was an opportunity that I never thought I would get. I wanted to hide the letter and consider my options, but the letter said I should make my decision within a week meaning that I don't even have enough time to contemplate on my situation. Of course, I had no choice but to spill the beans to the entire class.  

I told them about the letter, and everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it. They had a lot of questions about me suddenly just moving away to another school. I told them that I would try to think it over. I remember that Isogai said that he's heard of that school, and he heard from other students that it was difficult to get into a school as prestigious as ANHS. After a lot of talking, that octopus told me that it's my own decision if I want to accept or decline the offer. I really enjoyed my time in this school, but I do want to try going into a school were there's potentially a lot of competition. I know that I've already made interesting rivals in this school but after hearing what Koro-sensei said about the school since he managed to research about it in a span of 3 seconds, he said that it's filled with one of the best students that the school has had and the fact that it boasts a 100% employment and college entry rate which is insane the first time I heard it. He told me that it will be alright, whatever decision I'll make, everyone in class will be happy for me. After all that thinking, I made up my decision that I will go to that school and show everyone what I'm really capable of. After a week and made my decision, I contacted the chairman which by the way I had the school's number which was also in the letter and I told him that I would gladly enroll, and the rest is history. It was bittersweet for me as I got on to the bus, seeing my friends all there waving goodbye at me. I also thought that they would have to kill Koro-sensei without me but Nagisa-kun assured me that they can handle it. I smiled knowing that even if they lose their ace up their sleeve. I'm confident that they can do it and even graduate at the end. 

Advance Nurturing High huh? If this place really has some of the most brilliant students imaginable, maybe more brilliant than *cough* Gakushuu *cough*. Then get ready, because I'm about to cause some chaos.

Well this is Karma's side of the story, what do you think? Yes, it is sad that I had to pluck Karma out in such a way but at least his drive and motivation hasn't changed. Sure, he's not gonna be killing teachers, instead he's gonna destroy the best that ANHS has to offer. 

Note: If you're confused about timeline issues of the respective animes to the timeline of COTE. Don't worry, Author-sama/God (me) decided to meddle with the timeline a bit for fun so that these events can make sense. Besides it's fiction so anything can happen timeline wise and whatnot.

Well thanks for reading :)

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