Chapter 1: Class S

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The entrance ceremony wasn't particularly fun, it was a bit boring. But while I was dying of boredom, I did notice something that took my interest.

The classes were divided in a manner where I became interested in. I saw students from two class on the left side who were calm and composed as for those on the right side which also composed of two classes, there were some who were sleeping and yawning. Our class is on the right side as well, it seems they are as composed as the students on the left side. 

As I was looking at the classes I noticed someone to my left, it was that boy from earlier who gave up his seat on the bus, he noticed my gaze and smiled at me. It seems that he's also from Class S, I guess this means he's going to be my classmate.

Thankfully, the ceremony was over, and we were told to go to our respective classrooms. 

As I reached the classroom, I opened the door and saw that I wasn't the first one. I started looking for my seat with my nameplate on it and located it to the back next to the window.  

As I took my seat, I saw another student sitting beside me and coincidentally it's the same boy from earlier as well. 

"Ohh it's you, looks like I'm sitting next to you huh?" 

I sighed and replied "It seems so" 

The classroom started to fill up and I started observing my class. First person I noticed was a boy who was short with light pink hair, green eyes. He seems like a simple and friendly kid. 

Second was a red-haired boy with sharp goldish eyes who was looking around the classroom, possibly observing his new classmates. 

There are a lot of students in this class and by my count it seems that there are 18 of us in total. After a few minutes of observing, the bell rang and at the same time, the teacher arrived and walked into the classroom. 

"Good morning class, my name is Shigeru Kaito, I usually teach English. I'll be your homeroom teacher for the next 3 years since we are not changing classrooms here." Our sensei seems pretty normal (If you're wondering, this is an original character I made. He's gonna be very important to the plot but I won't spoil anything.) 

He has short light-green hair with light-red eyes. He seems pretty enthusiastic despite having a serious look to him. 

"It's nice to meet all of you! Before you guys introduce yourselves, I will distribute the written materials with information regarding the school as well as the special rules, I will also provide the admission guides as well." The students from the front pass some of the familiar materials. 

If I remember correctly, the school is different from your average high school in Japan in a few ways. Here the students are required to live in dormitories found on school premises except for special cases such as studying abroad. Students aren't allowed contact from the outside the school. Even contact with family, friends, or others are forbidden. Naturally, leaving school grounds without permission is also forbidden. However, the campus is well-equipped with facilities that tend to the needs of students. There's a karaoke spot, cafe, theater, and even a mall. You could say that this school is pretty much comparable to a small city. The campus spreads about 600,000 square meters. So, the campus is quite large compared to most other Japanese high schools. 

"Also, I will now hand out your student ID cards. by using these cards, you can access to any facility on the campus, as well as buying goods using points. If you're wondering, yes in this school you don't need physical cash to buy things here, you'll be using points allotted to you. In this school, you can buy anything as long as you have the necessary points." 

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