Chapter 84: No point in hiding it anymore (Light/Ryuzaki/Kyoko group)

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3rd day of the exam

3rd person POV

1st year boy: Yeah, I have a group and they just had a head start since I had to rest.

Kei (Shinomiya): Really? I wonder are they already at the designated destination?

1st year boy: Listen I know you did something since you're from Class S and you're trying to stop us.

Kei: I didn't do anything, I just got here, also could you point me to where the next task is? I also lost my tablet and map like 2 days ago, so I don't know where it is. It's in D4 or whatever, I don't remember. Also, my group got lost too so we don't know where everyone is

1st year boy (in his thoughts): This is perfect, if I can get this midget away from the tasks by lying to him. Then he won't be able to complete his tasks and he will be extremely behind if I put him on a wild goose chase. 

1st year boy: Umm just by that river ahead, it will take a while to get there but that's the only route.

Kei: Thank you 

Kei went to the location that the boy said but that location was a lie since D4 was around the northwest not northeast in the mountains. 

20 minutes later

1st year boy: hehe doesn't know that I tricked him into going to another location. I contacted Hosen earlier about this and told him that a Class S student is heading they're way and they can retire him there. The fact that he doesn't have his tablet which contains the map. It will be impossible for him to find it and all he's doing is going right into our trap. I'm going to the real D4 location since that's where I'm actually going. My other groupmates are already there so I just need to..........WHAAAAA!!????? 

In shock the 1st year boy suddenly saw Kei who was in front of him 

Kei: You know you shouldn't talk with your inner thoughts so loud. I could hear them 

1st year boy: B-but how did you.... 

Kei: Listen you can't trick me; I know that you're lying to me about where D4 is. It's not in the mountains it's where you were going. 

1st year boy: but how would you know? you said you lost your map 2 days ago so how could you know where D4 is??? wait you followed me didn't you 

Kei: Of course, and as for the map. I already memorized it, so no matter how you trick me. I know every part of this island in the back of my head. 

1st year boy: no way! you knew I was lying the whole time?! 

Kei: yeah of course, you think I wouldn't be prepared for an idiot who would force me on a wild goose chase? Don't you get it? I can tell a lie even if you think I don't, and you know why? 

Kei immediately grabbed the 1st year boy's arm and breaks it with a Fujiwara armbar, retiring the 1st year.

Kei: Because I'm a genius 

A few seconds after breaking the 1st year boy's arm, Kei spoke

Kei: Actually, I was lying too. I didn't memorize the map in fact, I already have drawn my own map that was similar to the tablet 

1st year boy: huh?! but what about your tablet? you said you lost it?

Kei: Not really, it was with my group all along. I used this paper map as an insurance 

1st years: bastard! Shinomiya Kei was it? Hosen will avenge me!

Kei: No hard feelings but none of you 1st years are going to expel us

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