Short Story #5: Rue Ryuzaki (L Lawliet)

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I'm considered by many who are aware of me, as the greatest detective in existence. I've solved many cases up to this point but there is one case that I'm currently looking into. One that was challenging even for me. It revolves around one man who according to reports kidnaps kids from the streets as well as orphanages in Japan. His face has yet to be identified by the police, although there is a lead where one witness, a man heard that he saw that man in a suit and he was negotiating with a person running an orphanage and we questioned the witness. He didn't remember much about the entire conversation or his face, but the witness remembered about hearing the words "White Room" and "Professor Ayanokouji". I've figured out that the man's name was Professor Ayanokouji, and this White Room must be an organization of some kind or something else. 

I looked for any possible leads but unfortunately it seems that this Professor Ayanokouji knows how to cover his tracks, but I'll find this person eventually. After weeks and months of searching, someone unexpected contacted me. It was another detective and a woman no less, apparently this person is also going after Professor Ayanokouji and she said that there's a lead that I can look into, and it revolves around a school known as Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing Highschool. From hearing the name of the school, I remember a certain individual who runs that school. And that someone is Sakayanagi. He's actually a good friend of mine. We met while I was on one of my investigations in Tokyo, and he complimented me on my abilities and deductive skills. One time, he told me that he is running a school with the same name where it boasts a reputation of having a 100% employment rate which I was impressed by, but the other thing that he said is that I should look into something that's been going on for a while now, of course I took an intelligent guess that it could be connected to Professor Ayanokouji and even said that he knew him. Of course, my suspicions were confirmed. 

I asked him a few questions and he did say that he was connected to that man, but he had no involvement in running this "White Room". I asked him if the White Room is an organization or not. He told me that it's a facility made to teach children. From the information I gained, this is the lead that I was looking for. I thanked him and he told me that he will contact me whenever there is new information about the White Room, I gave him my number and we were on our way. I waited for months until my phone rang, it was Sakayanagi. He requested me a favor of sorts. He told me that there is someone in his school that just recently enrolled and he wanted me to look for this particular person since he believes that he could be the lead I need to find "that man" and the White Room. He also told me something that he forgot to tell me a while back and that is that the White Room is not just a facility of learning, but also a place where inhumane experiments occur. He explained that it was for enhancing the strength and knowledge of these children through these horrific experiments which led to the deaths of most children. Which led me to wonder, why would that man create horrific experiments just to create a child capable of surpassing normal human limits?

So, from there I enrolled to ANHS disguised as a new student for the school. I passed through the exam with ease and placed in Class S. From here, I began my investigation on who this person that the Chairman Sakayanagi wants me to find and it's not long after that I found him. There was a boy whose name was Kiyotaka Ayanokouji. His last name was familiar, and I deduced that he must be his son. The possibility was 99.99% since he's the only one that has that last name. I'll question him eventually but for now, I must keep a low profile for now since this school is quite nice despite its flawed system. 

That's L's perspective on how he found ANHS. Yep, since there is no Kira since Light never had the Death Note. L is now going after Ayanokouji's father due to....well I'm sure you can easily guess why since with all the disappearances and all. But he still doesn't know the purpose of the White Room yet so he's planning to question Ayanokouji himself in the future. 

Anyways thanks for reading :)

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