Chapter 87: The Narcissist has arrived (Kaguya/Hayasaka/Suzaku group)

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3rd day of the exam

Suzaku POV

It's a pretty interesting experience to be grouping with other people where Lelouch isn't here. But I needed to take the initiative for once since Lelouch and I have been doing things together for a very long time so being away from him for a bit and succeeding something on my own with other people I haven't been involved much yet, will surely help a lot. 

I recently just finished a task where the first person needs to climb the top of the tree in order to win extra supplies and points. 

"Not bad, Suzaku-kun." Kaguya said 

"Kaguya-sama, you told me this Kururugi Suzaku is one of the strongest in terms of physical strength?" Hayasaka asked 

"That's right" Kaguya replied 

"Well, it's nothing. I did train in the military after all" I said 

"Ohh you're from the military Suzaku-kun?' Hayasaka asked 

"Yeah, been there for a while actually" I replied 

"I see, say I'd like to ask you something" Hayasaka said 

"Hmm what is it?" I asked 

"I heard that you and Lelouch are close, best friends perhaps?" she asked 

"Of course, but not just that. You could say that he's like an emperor and I'm his loyal knight." 

"Wow, I never thought of it like that" Kaguya said 

"Yeah, it's quite a long story to tell why but I don't think it would be the time since we still need to reach the next destination" I said 

"You're right but isn't it strange?" 

"What is? Kaguya-sama?" Hayasaka asked 

"None of the 1st or 3rd years have yet to come after us. I wonder what they're plotting?" Kaguya asked 

"This may just be a guess but given the previous two days where multiple incidents took place on the island of sudden groups of 1st and 3rd being retired or missing. I think it might have caused them to be more cautious of their actions." Hayasaka explained 

"Yeah, I guess Yuuichi, and Kei decided to do more damage than I would've expected" I said 

As we walked, we suddenly saw a blonde boy walking towards our location. I knew who this person was as I noticed that Kaguya stopped walking as the blonde boy arrived. 

"Well, well, this is a surprise" it was Koenji from Class B 

"Koenji Rokusuke" Kaguya said with a tone that could only be described as hatred 

"Ohh I know who you are. You're Shinomiya girl, correct?" he said with an obviously narcissistic tone 

"Yeah, and you're the narcissist who wouldn't even show his true strength to anyone" she said clearly annoyed 

"Why so mad at me little girl? is it too overwhelming to be in the presence of the perfect being such as myself?" Koenji asked 

"Perfect huh? If you're so perfect, then why haven't you bothered getting your own class to Class A then? I mean you are so much better than them, right?" Kaguya asked 

"Of course, I am better than them. I just chose not to participate that's all" he said 

"Don't tell me you're planning to leave this exam too?" I asked 

"Actually, it's the opposite. In fact, I'm planning to win this exam so I can win Horikita girl's bet" 

"Bet?" the three of us asked 

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