Chapter 50: Girl power

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Asuna POV 

With this exam having the boys and the girls separated. This might be a disadvantage for Class S since there are only four girls in this class. I may not have the calculating ability of Shiro-san, or the leadership of Kaguya-san, or the skills of a gambler like Yumeko-san. But I can serve as a moral compass for the group, I'll do what I can to help. It felt like I got into this special class by luck since I didn't realize that I was in a class full of geniuses. However, I'll prove that I can be capable of hanging with them. I may have been stuck in a game before which was challenging but school is different. It's real life, so I have to do my very best. Genius or not. 

"Hey Asuna-san, are you alright?" Kaguya-san snapped me away from my thoughts 

"Ohh yeah, sorry. Must've been spacing out" I replied 

"We should pay attention now, besides we already have a group" Yumeko-san said 

"Wait really?" 

"Yes, here" Shiro-san said as she gave me a notebook containing who we are grouped with 

Class S: Yuuki, Jabami, Shiro, Shinomiya 

Class A: Kamuro, Yamamura, Nishikawa 

Class B: Himeno, Kobashi, Minamikata 

Class C: Matsushita, Mei-Yu, Karuizawa 

Class D: Shiina, Nishino, Yabu, Yamashita 

"Looks like everyone here is already grouped up?" a girl asked as she approached and if I recall her name was Nanami Chiaki. This was the senpai who Sora-kun and Shiro-san were talking about before and have been hanging out with as well. Also, even the former student council secretary Tachibana is here too.

"That's right" Kaguya-san said  

"Alright, you should choose a representative for your group now" Tachibana-senpai said 

Looking at our group, I don't think they would likely take the role. Kamuro according to Kiyotaka-kun, she's one of Sakayanagi's loyal servants so she's completely out of the list. Matsushita according to our information, is pretty smart at least based on the scores she had on the quizzes and exams, but I get the feeling she could be holding back somehow since her grades have been coincidentally always average. Shiina definitely wouldn't take the role the same with Karuizawa. Kaguya could easily just take the role, but I told myself I want to help in anyway and not just someone who can help from the sidelines. I need to step up. 

"I'll do it" I said raising my hand 

As expected, the one's from Class S are in shock in some way. Shiro-san raised an eyebrow, Kaguya-san's expression changed into shock, while Yumeko-san is that of intrigue. 

"Wait! are you sure Asuna-san?" Kaguya-san asked 

"Yeah, I mean you have done more work as a leader so why not let me take the role this time around, I'm sure you need the rest" I said


"It's alright, I mean she did help me calm down a bit if Nii wasn't around" Shiro-san explained 

"Well, you are one of the most hardworking girls in our class so I second it" Yumeko-san said 

"Well, I guess I don't mind. You have been as hardworking as me as of late, so I too agree" Kaguya-san said 

"Any objections?" Kaguya-san asked the rest 

"It's fine by me" Shiina-san said happily 

"Well, she is from Class S, so I don't mind" Matsushita said 

"Sure, do whatever you want" Kamuro said 

The rest of the girls just nodded. 

"Alright then so let's begin, I choose you guys to be in our group" Nanami-senpai said 

"Huh? you're choosing already?" Karuizawa said in shock 

"Well, I have to get the group where I can have people familiar with me to help and it so happens that all four girls from Class S are here" she said 

"Wait so you know them senpai?" Shiina-san asked 

"Yep, actually just one of them but Ayanokouji-kun told me about them so don't worry about it" 

"Wait, when did you and Kiyotaka meet?" Karuizawa asked sounding suspicious

"If I recall I think it was days after you guys returned from your summer vacation on that CruiseShip." Nanami-senpai replied 

"I see" Is it weird that I have that feeling that Karuizawa might be jealous somehow? I mean I've heard what happened with her and Kiyotaka-kun but is she must be my imagination. 

"Anyways we'll escort all females to your sleeping quarters soon, after we finish organizing the groups" Tachibana-senpai said as she went somewhere else

"Okay see you later Tachibana-senpai" Nanami-senpai waved goodbye as she suddenly approached the four of us


"Huh? what is it senpai?" Kaguya-san asked 

"I want you guys to keep an eye on things. I have a feeling that Nagumo might pull something here on the girl's side" she said 

"Wait what do you mean? I mean Nagumo-senpai is separated from us, so how can he do something here?" I asked

"I don't have a clue yet since he's been keeping it a secret. But I noticed that he was speaking to some of my classmates from Class 2-A who were loyal to him about something"  

"Something like what?" I asked 

"Well knowing him, he might try to have one of his classmates to force an expulsion but who is targets are, is still unknown but if I was him, he would target either target our class or maybe anyone who are associated with the former president." Shiro-san said 

"That could be the case, wait you're associated with the former president right Nanami-senpai? Wouldn't he target you first?" Kaguya-san asked 

"Don't worry, I already have that covered. Also, could you guys please send a message to Ayanokouji-kun later?" Nanami-senpai asked 

"What message?" I asked 

Nanami-senpai was looking around, I wonder if she's trying to see anything suspicious. 

"Here" she said handing me a piece of paper 

"What's this?" 

"Don't open it." senpai said 

"I want Ayanokouji-kun to get it" she added 

"Wait but what's in it?" Yumeko-san asked

"A request" 

The four of us looked at each other, curious on what she meant. 

"Anyways I'll see you later" Nanami-senpai said as she left 

"Well then are you girls ready?" Yumeko-san asked

"Yeah, no matter BS Nagumo has planned against Class S. We'll take his plans down" Kaguya-san said with confidence 

"I agree" Shiro-san joins in 

"Alright girls, let's do this" I said sounding motivated

Chapter 50, this is the girl's perspective and how they ended up grouping. Nice to see Asuna finally stepping up to prove that even if she's not elite like her fellow female classmates. She can at least be a big help to them in the end. Also, what could Nanami be up to in order to keep herself safe from whatever Nagumo already planned? Find out soon. 

Anyways have a nice day and thanks for reading :)

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