Chapter 153: Seeds of a new era/Bookworm's ascent

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Shirogane POV

I just arrived at the student council's office. 

Nanami-senpai just recently gave a memo about a meeting so I arrived here just in time.

As I walked in, I saw Nanami-senpai as usual playing on her DS as she noticed me and puts down the game. 

"Ohh you're here. You're really early." Nanami-senpai said. 

"Yeah, I mean I never miss a single meeting up to now." I said to her.

"By the way, are you okay? I know you had to end up fighting Miyabi but that must've been rough for you." she said.

"It's okay, I'm fine." 

"Are you sure? I heard from your class that you were bleeding profusely."

"I said I'm fine, no need to worry about me Nanami-senpai." I said trying to quell her concern.

"Please Miyuki-kun..."


"Just call me Chiaki from now on. We're friends now after all." 


"Mhmh, after all you have helped me so many times now. I don't even know how to repay you." she said. 

I wasn't expecting her to suddenly call me by my first name let alone letting me call her by her first name. 

"You don't need to repay me anything Chiaki-senpai. I'm more focused on getting the student council president position." I stated.

"I see. Anyway, let's wait for the others."

They both waited as the rest of the student council arrived. 

"Thank you for coming to this urgent meeting. As you all know, graduation is coming for us 3rd years. This means me and Kiriyama-san will now leave our positions as both president and vice president respectively." 

"And as tradition, we will be electing a new student council president as well as a vice president. But before that, there have been some missing spots in the student council ever since both students either left on their own accord or expelled. So, I would like to introduce first our two new members of the student council." 

"New members?" Horikita-san asked.

"That's right. It has been pretty unfortunate that we haven't found new members to volunteer to join and take the two vacant spots but I'm glad to say that we finally have new members." Chiaki-senpai said. 

"You can come in now." she spoke as we looked at the door to see two familiar faces entering the office.

"Good morning Nanami-senpai!" the girl that spoke first was of course Nanase Tsubasa from Class 1-D.

It looks like Chiaki-senpai brought her in. 

The other one though is someone I didn't expect. 

It's the girl from the Overnight Exam that Kiyotaka-san said he fought.

Amasawa Ichika.

"Reporting for duty senpai." she said with a wide smile. 

"Here are the new student council members. We have our new student council secretary, Nanase Tsubasa from Class 1-D as well as another member who just recently joined at the last minute. Amasawa Ichika from Class 1-A as our disciplinary officer."

I knew Nanase-san would join. 

But I'm surprised that Amasawa joined in as well.

I wonder what her reasons are.

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