Chapter 127: The Battlelines are drawn

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Haru POV

"There you are, you're one tough son of a gun to find sometimes." 

"You're following me Daigo boy?"

Koenji, this guy is still a mystery to me. 

Aside from his egotistic nature, I do admire the fact that he can do things like it was nothing. 

I never really gave a s*** about the guy but he's someone that I've been keeping an eye on since I started here. 

He's definitely holding back in these exams like me. 

But I want to draw his true strength. 

"I just want to know something. You're not going to be joining the exam again, aren't you?" I asked. 

"Is the answer not obvious to you?" he asked.

"I already know the answer, but I want to know why? Is it because you think little of these other classes?"

"They're nothing in the face of my perfect existence, they're no match for me" he said. 

"Confident I see. You're definitely interesting" I said.

"I could say the same to you, even when Horikita girl is the leader of this class. You seem to have more control over it. Are you the actual mastermind?" 

"More or less. But don't you want to be in Class A?" 

"Hahahah, it doesn't matter which class I'm in. I'm still above everyone here. Even Ayanokouji boy and his special class." 

How laughable, he thinks he's better than Kiyotaka and Class S? 

Koenji has talent that's for sure, but his quite naive to think he could be on their level. 

They wouldn't be in Class B if it weren't for me. 

I didn't give a s*** either about reaching classes either but I'd rather have enough advantages and points to consolidate my power over my pawns. 

Crushing the other classes has always been a foregone conclusion if I decided to make a move but I chose not to since I'd rather screw with them than to help them. 

But I realized that using mindless sheep as my tools to keep the class in check is a better option. 

"I see, do you think it's foolish to think so?" I asked.


"I mean if you want to prove your "perfect existence" then why don't you show your power more often. But I'm not going to force you, but not considering Class S as a threat to you is an issue. Do you even realize the types of people that are in that class?" 

"Of course, I do. But like I said before, I choose my own time shine. Horikita girl made sure that I won't be bothered anymore to cooperate. If you're not here to force me to join, then you have another agenda, don't you?"

"Ahh, you figured me out. Yes, I do have an agenda. But not that it concerns you, although given the opponents we have for the exam. I could give you a glimpse of what I'm truly capable of." 

"Hoh?! well then, I'll be looking forward to that. After all, you're planning to cripple the little girl's class, are you?" he said. 

"Sakayanagi? of course."  

"I could tell you're definitely not normal yourself. Are you the one that took down Dragon boy the other day?" 

"Hmm?" how could he had guessed that? 

"So, you know about the incident too?"

"Yes, and the reports that this accomplice of yours that he sent are false. You're the one that defeated those 1st years and Dragon boy himself." 

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