Chapter 4: May 1st

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After waiting for a long time, May 1st arrived. The day our class gets revealed.

If you're wondering what our class did as those days and weeks go by before May 1st, as well as what I learned. Here's a list:

1. Karma has been getting along with the class really well and he seems to be good friends with Akise. I also noticed that he tends to buy strawberry milk most of the time whenever he goes to the convenient store. Also, I once saw Karma pulling pranks on one of the senpais. I don't know if this is something he does for fun or because he's just bored.

2. Tatsuya seems to be close with Kirigaya since they both work on technology. Also remember the dummy phone I talked about. Well, they managed to finish whatever this idea Tatsuya had. Apparently, they managed to create an app that could create a sort of "fake points". Of course, since the points were not from the school, they're not valuable and you can't buy anything with it. The idea of the app is to make it look like the phone contained points just like all of the phones in school. According to Tatsuya, there is a feature on the app where you can increase and decrease your points. Why use an app like this? Well, the idea is that if we are making any sort of deals that forces us to use a lot of points, then we can pretend that we do have those points but in reality, we would give them less points compared to the original deal of let's say for example 50,000 points. Is it effective? not always but against those that are gullible and easy to fool. It will work pretty easily. Kei currently has the phone. And as a side note, Kirigaya and Yuuki are probably dating since they seem to be very close.

3. Sora and Shiro became friends with Yumeko and they seem to have a little friendly competition of who can win more points from the other students by making the students play whatever game they choose. I guess it's their way of farming points quickly without having to wait for a month. It is an effective strategy on their part and the extra points would be useful for our bank.

4. Light seems to be one of the popular ones from our class and in the school as I see him hanging out with some Class A girls.

5. Even though I saw Katagiri's true behavior for the first time when we we're in Class D's room. He seems to go back to his normal self. It's weird that he has this type of personality. I wonder what he's hiding?

6. I met this girl named Kushida Kikyo from Class 1-D, she was curious about how I was close with Horikita. I told her that we're not close, but she wanted me to help her befriend Horikita. I wanted to refuse at first but accepted it either way.

7. I've noticed that Kaguya and Shirogane are hanging out a lot together. Are they dating? the most likely guess is that they are. (Kiyo is calling her by her first name since there are two Shinomiyas after all so there would not be any confusion)

8. Lelouch has been hanging with Kururugi a lot as well and talking about different ideologies and other comprehensive topics. I am guessing they're best friends and they have a lot of history together.

9. Light and Ryuzaki suggested to Kei about checking out all of the locations of every security camera in this school and mapping them out. He agreed to that idea. Now knowing the locations of every camera is going to be useful for sure.

10. Oreki either sleeps in his dorm most of the time or looking disinterested in class. He really is taking this energy conservation seriously. Despite him being lazy, he did answer most of the teacher's questions correctly when he was called in class.

After pondering the events that occurred Shigeru-sensei has arrived

"Good morning class, I have good news for you. Actually, two good news."

"What is it sensei?" Shirogane asked as he raised his hand

"For the first announcement, here are the results of your last quiz" As sensei taped the paper withe results where it was organized from 100 to the lowest which was 91.

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