Chapter 100: A difficult exam?

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Ayanokouji POV

We were now all back to school and pretty much everything went as normal.

I was walking through the corridors to the classroom with Kurumi, Kei, Tatsuya and Miyuki (Shiba). 

The walk was pretty normal aside from a few boys from different classes who are acting weird and shouting both Kurumi and Miyuki's names. 

What did Karma say to me during one of our random conversations? 

Ohh right, I think he called those types of people simps. 

I don't know what simps mean but he said it has something to do with falling for and doing anything for a beautiful girl. Said girls of course are Kurumi and Miyuki. 

"You sure are popular huh Miyuki-chan?" Kei said 

"I guess so" she replied 

You told us that there's going to be a special exam soon, what is it?" Kurumi asked 

"I don't know but sensei just told me there is once we get back, so I guess we're going to find out." I replied 

We were now all in the classroom as Shigeru-sensei arrives. 

"Good morning class. It seems that all of you are now refreshed from the weeklong vacation. Good let us get down to business. Right now, the school will hold the sports festival once again" 

Of course, once more I can hear some groans from the likes of Houtarou, Sora, Shiro, and some of the other less athletic students. Although some of the new students in our class didn't mind it at all. Which is good I suppose. 

"Not just the sports festival but there will also be a Culture festival coming soon as well as a school trip" sensei said 

"That's a lot events" Nagisa said 

"Anyways, for the new students of Class S, I already sent you emails regarding the rules of the sports festival since the rest already knew about it. So, I will be explaining the Culture festival instead" sensei said 

"The Culture festival will be a competition between all 12 classes. Meaning you will be competing against the other classes from the 2nd years as well as both the 1st and 3rd. The goal of this event is to see who can earn the most money. The top 8 classes will receive class points as rewards. Each class will be allotted a set number of private points from the school that will be used to prepare for the event" 

"Here, you must pay for reservation of your chosen location but if a spot is contested. That spot will belong to the highest bidder" 

"I suggest you prepare for the Culture festival even though the sports festival will be first" sensei said 

"Umm sensei?" 

"Yes Ms. Shiba?" 

"What happens to the class that has the lowest number of sales in the Culture festival?" she asked 

"Don't worry, there will be no expulsions, but you will lose out on class points if you don't perform well so good luck" he said 

After sensei leaves, Kei took the center. 

"Alright, since the sports festival is coming soon, you know what that means?" he said 

"Don't tell me we're going through with your crazy training regimen?" Houtarou asked 


"Wait training regimen?" Sakuta asked 

"Yeah, it's kinda painful to go through so best be prepared if you're on his team" Kazuto said 

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