Chapter 92: Winning is everything

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3rd person POV

Yagami after the plan failed decided to deal with Ayanokouji himself and stop him from reaching the tasks on the south. 

Yagami: The plan was perfect, we had them all but just who exactly are these guys anyway? Class S, Nagumo already gave us some info on them and yet this is what they're capable of? Did he give us incomplete info or is this Class S' true power? I don't know but it doesn't matter. The plan is still going to work. I just need to stop him right here, right now... 

???: My you're really getting ahead of yourself Takuya 

Yagami: ??? 

Amasawa suddenly shows herself

Yagami: Amasawa? where were you?! you said you're going along with the plan, and yet you've been hiding this whole time?! 

Amasawa: Hiding? me? oh no that's not the case, in fact I just got bored of you guys that's all. Besides I'm not even interested in getting rid of Ayanokouji-senpai anyways. 

Yagami: So, you're not going to follow the director's orders anymore?

Amasawa: I would follow but it's not fun if Ayanokouji-senpai just gets expelled. 

Daigo: I agree with you there Ichika 

Daigo suddenly appears as well. 

Yagami: Now what do you want? 

Daigo: Just here to look at your sorry face again after seeing your defeat. 

Yagami: Well, that's fine. It's only one loss. I can get rid of him next time and by next time I mean now. 

Yagami tries to walk past Daigo, but Daigo stops him. 

Daigo: Sorry but it would be a waste of time to stop him. I'm telling you this now. The only one worthy of defeating the Masterpiece, is me 

Yagami: You think that you're better than me? listen you barely survived the White Room's training regimen, and you think yourself better than me? 

Daigo: Isn't it obvious? Ichika told me that you're the 5th generations best overall but the way I see it. You're nothing compared to me or Kiyotaka. 

Amasawa: He's right you know, but of course the strongest out of all of us is Ayanokouji-senpai. 

Yagami: Shut up, I'll show you guys. Get out of my way Daigo-senpai if you don't want to face my wrath 

Daigo suddenly grabs Yagami's arm 

Daigo: I already told you Takuya. It's a waste of time

Yagami: get off me! 

Yagami then immediately goes for a punch, but Daigo dodges is quick 

Yagami: Nice dodge 

Yagami now charges at Daigo as the two White Room students started fighting blow for blow. Neither of the going down. Yagami gave a punch to Daigo's face, but Daigo retaliates with a punch of his own. 

The two exchanged attacks before Yagami threw Daigo towards a tree. 

Yagami then charged with a kick in which Daigo's quick reaction allows him to dodge the kick hitting the tree instead. 

Daigo: Damn I haven't fought anyone else from the White Room since Kiyotaka. 

Yagami: Yeah, but I'm going to be your last when I'm done with you. 

Daigo: Sorry but you're right it is a waste of time I'm going now 

Yagami: huh?! why are you leaving? 

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