Chapter 102: The pressure is on

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Ayanokouji POV

I immediately looked for Airi after her sudden expulsion. 

I found her near the gate in which she is now planning to leave.

She was there but she looked different. I know that she secretly has a different persona compared to the shy girl that I was seeing. 

But she looked like a different person without her glass.

I went towards her as she noticed me. 


"I'm really sorry" I said 

"You don't need to apologize" she said 

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked 

"Don't worry about me, it already happened so there's nothing I can do about it" 

I know that at some point she would get expelled just based on how weak she is, but it doesn't sit well with me knowing that Haru's way of expelling her was to manipulate the entire class and even the rest of the Ayanokouji Group and Karuizawa to expel her. 

"Kiyotaka-kun, please take care of Haruka-san" Airi said 

"I will" 

The bus then arrives as I noticed Airi unable to hold back her tears. 

"Well, this is goodbye" Airi said with a sad smile as she looked back at me one more time before boarding the bus.

I watched as the bus leaves knowing that her time in this school is officially over.

Could I have done something to help her? 

No, I don't think there was even a way. 

This was the only way, there was no chance that the class can do anything with Haru under their control. 


It was 2 days after the special exam. Haru is starting to become more dangerous than usual. I know he's not hesitant to expel someone but with what Keisei said he had the entire class under his control like it was nothing and forced everyone to expel Airi. 

I know she may be the weakest of the class and I know it is a necessary action if I were in Daigo's shoes but the way he did things in that exam. He really wanted full control rather than resolving things peacefully. 

So, this now means even with Horikita, Hirata, and Kei-yu having influence over the class. Haru is actually the one controlling the class without effort.

First Ryuen, Nagumo, the 1st and 3rd years, and now Class B. 

Haru has more control over almost everyone as his influence unnoticeable to many, but it is slowly growing under their noses. 

If expelling Airi is his first step in making things difficult for me then he probably did a good job of it.  

I'm not going to back down just because one of my friends was expelled. 

Although the worst part of it all is that he kept Kushida around even though he exposed her to everyone and even Horikita agreed to keep her around.  

I don't blame her for doing so since she does see some value in her but with Haru's influence growing in that class.

He can turn Kushida into his own weapon of mass destruction on his own class and use her to spill secrets on the weak minded. 

Stopping him ended up being more difficult than I thought and the fact he can expel someone on a whim even with Horikita as the leader. She can't fight back against someone who has more control in various situations.

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