Chapter 66: A reason to believe

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Lelouch POV

I'm currently holding a meeting with Suzaku, Kazuto, Asuna, and Houtarou about what we need to do in this special exam. With 10 different events to come up with but with only being 7 to be chosen at random will be tough. Predicting what will be the events will be difficult, but we should worry about making our own events first where we need to use our own strengths to get ahead of the other classes. Now we don't know which class we will be facing once the winning class is decided but we need to stay cautious. 

"So, any ideas of our events?" Kazuto asked 

"Well as long as some of us aren't going for the ones that forces me to use energy then I'm in" Houtarou said.  

"Seriously what is with this energy conserving thing about? have you never done any physical activities that much?" Suzaku asked 


"Ohh right, sorry Lelouch" 

"No need to apologize Suzaku, even I wouldn't participate in such physical activities" I said 

"So, have you exercised before? Lelouch-kun?" Asuna asked 

"I think you should sometimes. I've been exercising with Kaguya-san almost every day before classes. You should join us sometimes" she added

"It's fine. Besides taking a short walk around campus is already exercise for me" I said 

"That's not true, you've been jogging with me almost every day but somehow you always get left behind" Suzaku said 

"Hey! listen, it's been a while since I ran or jog." 

"Don't worry Lelouch, I can join you guys in jogging so that he doesn't get left behind" Kazuto said 

"I don't need someone to babysit me while I'm jogging." 

"You sound like you need one since you get tired so easily like you were in training before the sports festival" Houtarou said 

"You're one to talk" I said sounding irritated now 

"Anyways, we already thought of 3 events, right?" Suzaku said 

"That's right, the rest are already coming up with their own events as long as most of them are not related to using physical means" I said 

"I think they would already be aware of that" Houtarou said 

Ayanokouji POV

I'm currently walking with Kei, Yuuichi, and Aru about what events we need to discuss as well as dealing with the potential class that could face us. 

"So, Kiyotaka-san, which class are you rooting for to face us?" Kei asked 

"It really doesn't matter which one, they will lose to our class anyways" I replied 

"You really are confident. Given we already have our events planned. It seems easy now" Yuuichi said

"Also given that most classes couldn't keep up with us, it just feels like only some individuals can go against us" Aru said 

"I agree Aru-san. The classes aren't the threat, it's the people who lead them." Kei said 

"That's true but didn't they lose to us?" Yuuichi said 

"Yeah, I already put Ryuen in his place, but he is still hungry for revenge which I welcome. Ichinose isn't really a threat nor her class except Hikigaya who always somehow a step ahead of everyone in that class. Haru is the toughest one I faced but his class isn't nowhere near our level, and I have yet to see Koenji prove that he's a threat to us or Horikita reaching her potential. So, Class A is the only one that I would consider strong even though with the info that Kei has, they're not that close except for Sakayanagi and Togami" I said 

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