Chapter 83: Master Strategists (Sora/Shiro/Akira group)

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Shiroyanagi Akira POV

Normally, school would be boring even though you make friends, join sports festivals, and other activities. But most of it is nothing compared to playing games. All my life I enjoyed playing nothing but games. It was a way to escape the boringness of life but luckily this school has taken my interest. I didn't go here not just to study but given how this school functions. It almost feels like a game since you have points to use and the exams here are quite interesting. Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High is definitely not your typical Japanese High school, so I don't seem to get bored compared to my previous school. It's fascinating to be honest. 

I'm with Sora and Shiro right now as we managed to complete the 1st day of tasks without any problems. That was boring I admit that but at least I don't get bored as long as these two are around.

We started setting up camp for the night and finished everything up just before night came.

"Hey Akira, wanna play a little game?" Sora asked 

"Sure" I said 

"What do you want to play?" I asked 

"Well, how about guessing how many different constellations can you see in the sky in under 20 seconds." Sora said as he points at the sky 

"I see" 

"Of course, we can't choose the same one since that wouldn't count. The first person to guess that specific constellation counts as a point but not for the other since it was already mentioned. I hope you have good memorization of constellations in the sky" Sora smirked as he said it 

"If it's a game of memorization then I won't lose." I spoke 

"Hehe, let's begin then" 

After about 20 seconds of finding the most constellations. I managed to guess about 10 and Sora managed to find 12.  

"*sigh* it's my loss huh?" I spoke

"That's 5-5 on our 1-vs-1 record and about 13 wins for our challenge. I'm currently in the lead." Sora said with arrogance. The guy really is impressive at games, he really does remind me of me sometimes. 



"Do you ever consider yourself a genius?" I asked 

"Yeah, I mean there's some stuff I'm good at and there's stuff that Shiro is good at. I'm not a human calculator like Shiro but you could say that I'm the charismatic one out of the two" he said 

"I see" 

"You know, Blank isn't just a name for the two of us. It's what we stand for, our life. Gaming is all we've been doing. The amount of boredom we felt as we continue beating everyone in online games, casino games, or whatever. It just felt like no one is on our level that there is no other challenge left. And then we found this school. We were just a bunch of shut-ins, and we don't even go to school even back when we were little but this school is different. It provided us challenges that actually kept our boredom at bay. Something that can satisfy us. A school with strict rules, special exams that can test the mind to its limit and opponents that can actually challenge us. That's what I like." 

"School is just a battleground for Blank to prove just how superior we are. We don't care if we become the most popular kids in school, we just want to show just how good we are"  

Sora and Shiro. These two are really interesting. To be honest I've never encountered individuals like them before or anyone in this class. All of them can give me a thrilling challenge. I almost never lose a game when it counts but Blank...Blank is different even though it's two people. It's like going against one person, but the person is like a supercomputer unlike anything I've seen before. They're truly challenging for sure. 

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