Volume 5 Chapter 6 - Kordri

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However, as expected, Kordri's mastery allowed him to easily parry my blade, thwarting my attempt.

In a split second, his powerful punch landed squarely on my jaw, causing it to unhinge and leaving my lower jaw dangling. It was a deliberate bait, a part of my calculated strategy.

Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly retaliated by driving my knee with all my might into his gut, a cacophony of bone-crushing sounds echoing as his lower ribs gave way under the impact.

A flicker of pain crossed Kordri's face, but I didn't hesitate. Pressing my advantage, I unleashed a rapid barrage of attacks, aiming to sever his head from his shoulders.

Unexpectedly, Kordri responded by colliding his fists together, generating a tangible aura of radiant red that enveloped his entire being. The sheer force of the aura caught me off-guard, forcing me to retreat as its concussive energy threatened to overwhelm me.

"Unleash your full power, Arthur!" Kordri's voice boomed with an air of challenge as he relinquished the restrictions on mana usage.

Drawing in a deep breath, I reached out to the slumbering beast will within Sylvia, tapping into its immense power. In response, Realmheart, my trusty weapon, burst into vibrant life, enveloping me in its ethereal aura. Intricate golden runes adorned my skin, a visual manifestation of the raw strength and authority coursing through me.

Force-type mana arts.

These were the mana arts wielded by the Pantheons, masters of manipulating pure mana. For asuras, their bodies were intertwined with mana, every cell infused with its life-giving essence. As a result, they possessed the extraordinary ability to mold mana into any desired shape, limited only by their imagination and will.

In contrast, we, the so-called "lessers" - humans, elves, and dwarves - could survive without a mana core. Our bodies were not inherently sustained by mana itself. This fundamental difference explained why asuras held a natural advantage over us. Their mana-reinforced bodies were innately superior, granting them unrivaled strength and resilience. They effortlessly achieved strength far above the white stage, while we struggled even to reach the white stage.

The dichotomy between the asuras and us "lessers" was a stark reminder of the immense gap in our potential and the challenges we faced in harnessing the true depths of mana's might.

The Pantheons harnessed their strength to mold their mana into force-type arts. Unlike elemental manipulation, which drew upon specific aspects of mana, force-type arts involved shaping the malleable essence of pure mana itself. While it was no simple feat, with the right element and keen insight into manipulation, it was possible to replicate these techniques.

As a "lesser" and not an asura, my connection to mana differed. My body was not intrinsically intertwined with mana, making it more challenging for me to master force-type mana arts. However, I understood that even a fraction of their power would be a valuable asset at my disposal.

Though I may not achieve perfect mastery of force-type mana, I could strive to replicate its principles and apply them in my own way. By tapping into the inherent flexibility of pure mana, I could manipulate it to enhance my attacks and defenses, infusing them with a touch of the Pantheon's formidable strength.

The air turned suffocating as Kordri advanced towards him, his King's Force weighing down in the spiritual realm like a mountain.

"It's been so long since I resorted to this," Kordri stated before shaking his head, "It's a shame it's against a lesser."

Arrogance was deeply ingrained in the nature of asuras, particularly when comparing themselves to us "lessers." Their superiority stemmed from their exceptional physical attributes, which far surpassed our own. However, they often overlooked the significance of insight when it came to manipulating mana and aether.

While their bodies were naturally intertwined with mana, allowing for effortless integration and utilization, their reliance on this advantage hindered their growth in other areas. Asuras became complacent, their understanding of mana and aether confined to their innate abilities. They failed to recognize the potential for further exploration and innovation in the realm of mana manipulation.

Conversely, as "lessers," we lacked the inherent connection to mana that the asuras possessed. However, this limitation fueled our determination to acquire knowledge and insight into the intricate workings of mana and aether.

With the time for action drawing near, I made sure to keep my true capabilities concealed. There were certain cards I wasn't planning on revealing, such as ___, recognising that the alliance with the Asuras were tenuous at best.

After immersing myself in the study and analysis of force-type mana, Realmheart burned with newfound intensity, its power intertwining with my very being.

The moment had arrived.

A surge of mana surged through me, a torrent of pure energy manipulated by the resonating power of Realmheart, building up like a dormant volcano ready to unleash its fury.

"Time to bring this to an end," Kordri declared, closing the remaining distance between us.

"Indeed," I responded, my own aura mirroring his with a vibrant shade of crimson.

Every fibre of my being resonated with an indescribable force, a power that seemed to envelop the surrounding space, compressing and overwhelming everything in its path.

Kordri's four eyes widened in sheer disbelief, his expression reflecting the shock of witnessing the true extent of my abilities.

"This is the essence of force-type mana," I stated calmly, examining my transformed self. "How truly fascinating."

[A/N: Remember to vote if you guys like this chapter! It helps me in gauging the quality of my writing!]

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