Volume 5 Chapter 5 - Epheotus

Start from the beginning

A chill ran down my spine, and this time, I could pinpoint its source. At the end of the corridor stood two figures, guarding the door. They were shrouded in darkness, their features obscured by the shadows cast by the corridor's lights. Yet, my instincts screamed at me to flee, warning me of their immense power—beings far surpassing the prowess of the Lances, even surpassing Jezebeth.

With apprehension, Windsom and I approached the guards. As we neared the door, the features of the two figures became discernible. One was a tomboyish-looking woman, her green hair cropped just below her ear, though the curves beneath her light leather armor contradicted her appearance. The man beside her exuded an aura of fierceness, his sharp eyes piercing, a jagged scar etched across his cheek. The only visible weapons were the short daggers strapped to their waists.

"Elder Windsom, I see you have finally brought the human boy and the heir to the Claxter clan," the female guard greeted with a grin. 

The two guards seemed to be much more interested in Alistair than they did in me, which was a good thing as I did not wish to attract much attention.

The male guard studied Sylvie and me, his gaze filled with scrutiny. "Is it appropriate for a human child to be carrying the Princess?" he questioned disapprovingly.

"Let it be, Signiz. They are bonded," Windsom dismissed, his tone carrying a hint of annoyance. "Now... are you going to permit our entry or not?"

The two guards exchanged a brief glance before nodding at Windsom. As they turned towards the door, their aura intensified, almost tangible in its potency. Within a few seconds, beads of cold sweat formed on Alistair's and my brows, and our breaths turned shallow and jagged.

Gripping the handles, the guards strained to pry open the massive door. Its weight was evident, as their efforts revealed the imposing Great Hall beyond. And there, seated upon a blazing white throne, was a man who appeared no older than twenty.

Without hesitation, Windsom strode past me and entered the room, immediately dropping to one knee in deference.

"My Lord," the asura addressed, bowing his head in reverence. Lord Indrath defied my expectations. He exuded a cool, composed aura, his silvery cream-colored hair falling in a balanced length. While he possessed undeniable attractiveness, it was a subtle charm rather than an overwhelming allure. Concealed beneath his white robe, I couldn't discern the true nature of his physique, but he appeared neither overly muscular nor frail. His eyes, reminiscent of Sylvia's, unsettled me, but unlike her compassionate gaze, his were hardened. The purple hue of his eyes shifted in shades, hinting at depths I couldn't fathom.

Following Windsom's lead, I too kneeled, maintaining a lowered head. I discreetly scanned the room to gather as much information as possible. Along the sides of the grand hall, figures of diverse ages and sizes observed us. Some displayed disdain, much like the male guard before, while others held a simple curiosity.

Each of these figures exuded a power that could render even the mightiest mages of Dicathen weak and envious. However, the man seated upon the throne, engulfed in a shimmering white blaze, emitted no discernible aura. Even when I made a deliberate effort to sense his presence, I found nothing. It was as if, beyond the direct line of my vision, his existence wavered, challenging my belief.

"Stand." His voice soft and silvery, yet sharp like a knife in a way that it was both gentle and imposing. Rising to our feet, we walked towards the throne, with Sylvie still in my arms. I could feel the eyes of everyone following me, judging my every movement. 

The seconds stretched on, filled only with the weight of silence as Lord Indrath maintained his inscrutable gaze upon Sylvie, Alistair, and me. His expression remained an enigma, offering no hint as to his thoughts or intentions.

Suddenly, my senses erupted with alarm, and my Realmheart instinctively surged forth in its magnificent power. Stepping back, I witnessed Lord Indrath's outstretched hand mere inches from my face. Time itself seemed to halt under the weight of his formidable presence, but I countered with my own manipulation of aevum, refusing to succumb to his dominance.

"Impressive. For a lesser being, you have achieved more than expected. Although Sylvia's beast undoubtedly played a significant role," Lord Indrath's words resonated through the great hall, sparking a wave of gasps and murmurs among the members of the Indrath Clan.

His gaze turned piercing as he locked eyes with me. "I see you have done nothing to train her. Her mana levels are insultingly low."

Seeking to defend me, Windsom interjected unexpectedly, bowing once again before the man on the throne. "My apologies, My Lord. I should have initiated Lady Sylvie's training during our time in Dicathen. If it pleases you, I can commence her training now."

Lord Indrath dismissed the offer with a shake of his head. "No need. I will personally oversee... Sylvie."

Placing a finger gently between Sylvie's eyes, Lord Indrath whispered inaudible words. His eyes emanated a vibrant glow, and Sylvie's awakening was immediate. Her irises mirrored the purple hue of her grandfather's, a striking transformation.

'Kyu?' she uttered, her voice filled with confusion. 'Papa, where am I?'

'We have traveled quite far, Sylv. How are you feeling?' I transmitted my thoughts to her, maintaining a detached demeanor.

'Sleepy~ Can I go back to sleep, Papa?' Sylvie's eyes struggled to remain open as weariness washed over her. With a blink of heavy eyelids, she surrendered to slumber once more.

"Lord Indrath, Elder Windsom has already briefed me on the purpose of my presence here. However, I have yet to be informed about the specific reasons behind my arrival. If it is solely for training, wouldn't a secluded dungeon in Dicathen suffice?" I inquired, maintaining a composed demeanor.

"I have deemed you a crucial piece in our battle against Agrona and his army. I assume you understand the mutual benefits of winning the impending war, correct?" Lord Indrath's response was measured, his tone reflecting a calculated assessment. "Therefore, it is most advantageous to provide you with specialized training here. Consider it an honor, as only the most talented among the younger generations receive the level of training that awaits you."

Concerned about the uncertainties and the need to protect my family, I pressed further. "How will we know when the war is approaching? And how much time do we have?"

"Such matters are my concern. Your focus should be solely on your training. When the time comes for you to return to your homeland, I will inform Windsom," Lord Indrath replied, gesturing for Windsom to guide me away.

"What about Sylvie?" I interjected.

"Sylvie will remain under my care until her training is complete," he stated matter-of-factly.

As he shifted his attention to Alistair, Lord Indrath added, "As for you, you will undergo training with your own uncle. Windsom will guide you to him."

The direction became clear, and I acknowledged the path set before us, prepared to embrace the challenges and responsibilities that awaited.

Lord Indrath simply shooed us away with his hand, causing all three of us to exit the room.

"I have a question, Windsom," Alistair spoke up.

"What is it, Lord Alistair?" Windsom replied, his tone even and composed.

"I couldn't help but notice that Lord Indrath didn't seem to hold me in favor. Do you have any insights as to why?" Alistair inquired, a hint of vulnerability seeping into his voice.

Windsom's countenance tightened slightly, and his voice turned somber as he chose his words carefully. "It is not within my authority to disclose such matters, but I can tell you that the relationship between your mother, Lady Saphira, and Lord Indrath was a... complex one. Forgive me, but I am unable to provide further details."

Alistair nodded, absorbing Windsom's response. Although unsatisfied with the lack of clarity, he understood the boundaries and respected the unspoken secrets that shrouded the past.

[A/N: Remember to vote if you guys like this chapter! It helps me in gauging the quality of my writing! I will be trying to finish this volume by this week as it is not as long.]

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