Chapter 201 - Jedayu's Revenge

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Daichi's short reply brought a small frown to the Special Jonin's face. After a few moments of silence he began. "Daichi, what happened back there... You-"

"It wasn't my first kill if that's what you're wondering?" The Genin interrupted the man.

Genma was surprised at that information. "When did you...?"

"During my travels with Lady Tsunade and Shizune Senpai, we fought rogue ninjas. I had to take extreme measures during that fight."

The young man didn't elaborate more and Genma didn't ask. Both of them stood in silence for a few seconds before Genma spoke again.

"He was loyal to his master. His death was inevitable. Junichiro attacked a family member of the minister. If he hadn't gotten the death penalty, then he would have spent the rest of his life caged. I have a feeling he would have preferred this."

"Hn..." Daichi just grunted and didn't say anything else.

At that moment they were joined by Lord Taji and Yondu. The minister looked at Daichi with sympathy.

"I'm sorry you were forced to do something like that. But with the situation I'm in, I had no choice... I know you're a shinobi and this is part of your life but still, you're only just a Genin. You shouldn't have had to make such a difficult choice."

Daichi just nodded his head in response.

"Can I ask you something?" Yondu spoke looking at the boy.

Seeing Daichi's silence he continued. "Would you have really gone through with it?"

The young Gamer sighed hearing that question. "It's something I've been asking myself this whole time... And after thinking about it long and hard. I have an answer..."

Seeing their silent gaze waiting for his answer, Daichi spoke. "I wouldn't have done it. Because it wasn't personal for me... But if he had done the same to someone close to me... Then... I don't know... I don't know if I have the capacity for such cruelty. Time will tell I suppose."

Yondu nodded and seemed satisfied with that answer while Lord Taji gave a small smile.

"Kumoragi Mansion. Is that his home here?" The Genin asked changing the subject.

Lord Taji shook his head. "No. In Fact that's home to one of Wakamu's enemies. The fact that Jedayu is there means..."

"He's either coerced the people inside the home or he killed them." Genma finished the sentence for the minister.

"In hindsight that's a smart move. You wouldn't look for someone in their enemy's home." Yondu spoke.

"We can capture him but we shouldn't forget our main objective." Taji clenched his fists thinking about the situation.

"We need to trick him into revealing if he has more of the poison or not. And we have to be very careful with our intentions. And we don't know if he's already left the mansion since we captured Junichiro." Genma spoke.

Daichi crossed his arms and looked at the minister. "So what's the plan? How do you want us to proceed?"

"We have no choice but to move on the assumption that he's there. Orders have already been given. My guards and the ninja stationed here will converge on Kumoragi mansion. The entire area will be surrounded. If he's still there, he won't escape." Taji said.

As he said those words Daichi tilted his head as if he was remembering something. A few moments later he uncrossed his arms and nodded his head. "So that's how it is... Not a bad plan." Daichi muttered to himself.

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