Volume 3 Chapter 8 - Capture the Flag I

Start from the beginning

As I unsheathed the two blades, I felt their weight and power in my hands, ready to take on any challenge that lay ahead.

Arthur, too, drew his sword, Dawn's Ballad, but he made sure to keep it in its sheath for the time being.

Rachel wasted no time in entering Spirit Dive, her body enveloped in a protective shield of aqua blue water mana. She worked quickly to cast a triple layer shield over our flag, supported by Tessia and my plant magic.

The Professor's voice rang out across the battlefield, announcing the start of the match.


With those words, we all sprang into action, ready to use our unique skills and abilities to capture the flag and emerge victorious.

Arthur's plan was simple but effective - we would rush the enemy team with our speed. However, we knew that this wouldn't be an easy feat. 

The other team had three powerful conjurers on their side, which was both a boon and a curse.

While Lancelot and Tessia were also skilled fighters, they couldn't match the level of danger posed by Arthur and myself in close combat.

Our plan was risky, but we knew we had to take bold actions to overcome the odds against us.

As I scanned the battlefield with my sharp red eyes, I quickly located Gary's mana signature. Using my own mana, I signaled Arthur to follow my lead.

With incredible speed and agility, Arthur moved quickly and silently, using sound mana to mask the sound of his footsteps as he headed straight towards Gary.

I, too, accelerated to hypersonic speeds, launching myself towards Gary with the full force of my power. With Faithkeeper and Argentum Fang in my hands, I was ready to take on any challenge that came my way.

With a swift motion, I swung my two swords together, the wind mana surrounding them cleaving through any obstacle in their path as they headed straight towards Gary.

However, my preliminary attack was met with ease as Gary effortlessly deflected my blades with his own sword.

Undeterred, I dug my heels into the ground and shot towards him again, my blades moving in perfect unison as I attempted to weave through his defense.

Time slowed down for my eyes as I carefully analysed his footwork, adjusting my swords according to his movements as I slowly cornered him.

But Gary's skill with the sword was unparalleled. I had seen him fight against Professor Fejalk before, but in that moment, I realized that his abilities were on a completely different level.

Despite my constantly changing and adjusting movements, his sword was able to keep up with me effortlessly. In fact, it seemed like he was slowly pushing me back with every strike.

I gritted my teeth, determined not to give up. If we were going to win this match, I knew that I had to find a way to overcome Gary's incredible swordsmanship.

Arthur appeared by my side in a flash of lightning, unleashing a flurry of elemental spells at Gary. However, his attacks were easily blocked by a dome of wind mana that surrounded Gary.

"You have an interesting plan, but do you really believe that the two of you are enough to take me down?" Gary taunted with a smirk.

"I don't prefer to use this style," he whispered to himself, "But I have little choice in a battle like this."

Gary shifted his stance, no longer holding his sword in a way that radiated danger. However, I could feel the tension in my body as he swung his sword towards me.

The teal hue of Dawn's Ballad, the emerald shine of Faithkeeper, the silver glow of Argentum Fang, and the obsidian darkness of Gary's sword all blurred together as we exchanged a flurry of slashes every second.

I could see that Arthur was starting to lag behind, but I was powerless to help him. All my energy was focused on holding my ground against Gary's blade.

[Levisha Style]

The display of sword skill unfolding before my eyes was absolutely breathtaking. This swordsmanship was on the same level as what he used before, but completely different in its mechanics.

Gary's usual swordsmanship lacked any linking movements. While it was possible to execute them in succession and create a flow, it required a high level of mastery.

This was different.

Each movement flowed perfectly into the next, creating a seamless dance of swordplay that left me in awe.

How was it even possible for such a swordsmanship style to exist?

Suddenly Arthur's movements quickened,  and I couldn't help but gasp at his transformation. His auburn hair had transformed into a bright wheat blonde, and his golden irises gleamed with power. Intricate runes adorned his skin, each one radiating a sense of familiarity.

But there was no time to be stunned by his sudden change. We were locked in a 2v1 battle against someone our own age. It was a true test of our skills and training, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing heavily on my shoulders.

We had trained under some of the greatest masters of this time, including Grandpa Virion and Master Goodsky. The honour of all that learning and experience was at stake in this battle, and it felt like we were falling short.

Despite our newfound power, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were still not on equal footing with our opponent. Every blow he landed, every parry he executed, was a reminder of just how skilled he truly was. It was a humbling experience, and one that would stay with me for a long time to come.

The battle for the flag had become a distant thought. It was clear that Rachel and Tessia wouldn't be able to hold off Lancelot, Lucas, and Kathlyn for much longer, but we couldn't let that distract us from the goal at hand.

We were facing the most exceptional genius we had ever encountered - Gary Whiteborn. His natural talents were unparalleled, and it was a true privilege to be fighting against him.

Until now, I had always been considered the most talented of our group, even more than Arthur. However, my encounter with Gary made me realise how limited my perspective had been. 

Gary was a true monster. His power and abilities were awe-inspiring, and it was an honour to be able to fight against him.

In the end, defeating Gary was all that mattered, even if it meant sacrificing our chance at winning the capture the flag battle.

[A/N: Remember to vote if you guys like this chapter! It helps me in gauging the quality of my writing! Keep in mind that Arthur isn't still using aether, he is only using Realmheart to get the power of ambient mana while Gary is only using aether for his eyes.]

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