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"Lee?..It's me, ███████. Uhm..I'm glad your breathing. But..I'm sorry that happened to you. God..You must be laughing at me right now..I don't blame you. Please get better soon."

"Hey, David. It's me ███████ again. How are you? I hope your doing well. It's been a couple weeks..Uh..It snowed the other day! It's pretty cold out. I..Uh..Bought you a jacket that you can wear when you get out..I..I miss you lots, Man. And the day I come to Mandela to visit you I see you on the ground with a missing arm..I'm sorry that happened. I'll come back later, okay?"

"Hey..Its ███████..I miss you so much..I don't think I can do this anymore..I..I just miss you a lot man. You're an amazing person. And I'm glad to see your still breathing but..Your unresponsive..Y'know? I feel lonely without you. I- Just— I..Miss you so much. It's been weeks..And your still unresponsive. I..I'm just glad that I was able to call the ambulance in time. I can't believe someone would do something like this to you..But, your alive and that's all that matters to me right now. G'night, Dave."

Dave slowly woke up..He felt pain in his right arm. When he tried to reach out with it..There was nothing there.


He heard multiple doctors run over to his room..He heard noise but blocked it out. He wanted to focus on..What happened to him..

"Dave! Your finally awake! I- missed you!"


"B-Brain?..You made it to Mandela But-..Oh..God-..I'm sorry."

"No, no it's fine! Don't apologize!..It's not your fault I found you like that."

Dave sighed.

"What..Happened to me? I can't see my arm."

O'Brain looked at Dave with sympathy in his eyes.

"Your arm..Got cut off when I found you. Nobody knows who did it..I'm sorry."

That caught Dave off guard, he paused and then sighed..

"Hey! Don't worry..It's okay!"

"It's okay? It's amazing!..Imagine the killer zombie costume I'll get when it's Halloween..!"

Dave was trying his best to make light of the situation, and it worked. They both chuckled softly at his comment. The brunette smiled weakly.

"God, you haven't changed."

"Same old Dave." He smiled.

Then looked at his shoulder..He saw what was left of his arm bandaged up.

"I uh-..Tried my best to stop the bleeding before I called the ambulance."

"Mm..Thanks honestly. I'm glad that you actually tried to save me."

"Who wouldn't!? Your so fuckin nice Dave. I love the fact that you're always so bright, and a quick thinker!"

"I really appreciate it Brian..It means a lot."

"Plus! Who cares if you only have one arm? You can scare kids with it!"

Dave laughed weakly.

"Yeah!..I definitely should once I get out the hospital."

"I do have a question though..Do you..Maybe remember what happened?"

"Not..Really..I only remember struggling to get out. Everything was a blur..I guess it was instinct that kept me going."

"Ah, don't worry. You need to have a speedy recovery anyway. Don't worry about stuff like that!"

Dave smiled and looked around, he saw multiple flowers around his bed, and a teddy bear on the bedside table..Neat.

"Yeah, everyone heard about what happened. They were nice enough to give you things, y'know?"

"Ah, that's so nice of them..I'm glad!"


They smiled at each other, O'Brian looked strangely sad.

"What's the matter?"

"It's just-..I'm really fuckin happy. I feel like I need to cry."

Dave smiled.

"Cmere you."

Dave reached out to hug Brian, he immediately fell into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Dave heard hics and sobs coming from him.

"It'll be okay..I'm right here. And I'm not leaving until you do, okay?"

"I-..Okay..T-Thanks Dave.."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang