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Mark tossed and turned, he was able to sleep but only for a short amount of time. He was so sore..He barely moved for hours, just staring at whatever met his eyes. Nothing occupied him like it use to. He felt dead.

Someone turned the knob, and opened the door.

Ah, it was Cesar.

"Hey, how're you..Doin?" The ravenette began.

"..I'm..Im good.."

"Good, good.."

He looked a little sad, almost disappointed.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about..Everything, me and Adam could've helped you but..I just..—"

"No it's..Okay..Uhm.."

Mark looked uncomfortable around him, gripping his blanket. He was..Just nervous.

Cesar sat down on the side of his bed.

"Things have been difficult, me and Adam haven't been getting along the greatest."

"Oh..I'm..Sorry about that.."

"No, it's fine..Uhm..It's because of something I did..I really shouldn't have hid something like that to him."

Cesar sighed, Mark noticed how sad he looked. It was weird. He had never seen Cesar like this..Ever.

Cesar always looked upbeat, though Mark brushed it off as just..Cesar being weird, or having a bad day.

"I could've saved you faster, kept you safe..And now look..God, I'm sorry, Mark."

"It's..Its oka-"

"No, no it's not. I really should've just..Helped you faster. I feel disgusting. I really should've been there for you..And Adam, but I wasn't."

Mark noticed the ravenette grip the blanket, he looked up at him.

"I-I get that..You probably wanted to keep Adam from worrying..I- Uhm..I understand." Mark swallowed.

Cesar looked at Mark, and smiled.

"I'm glad you understand where I was coming from..But I can't help but feel..Guilt."


"Because, you were there with your leg dislocated, and I just didn't do anything! You could've died!"

Mark noticed what he said at the end.

"..But I..Didn't." He had a disappointed tone in his voice.

"I know you didn't- but it's just..You could've and I was just hiding it..I don't understand how you can forgive me when I can't even forgive myself, Mark.."

"..It's-..Hard to get over..But..If I forgive you, I hope you can..Learn to forgive yourself."

Cesar sighed, he looked like he was about to cry.

"What's wrong?"

"Your so forgiving.." Cesar sighed, wiping his eyes..So he was crying.

"..Thank you?"

"How do you do it?..I-It's like— you just forgive me all suddenly and I don't even know how to take it all in."

"I..I don't know."

Cesar chuckled softly.

"It was stupid of me to ask..But, thanks, Mark."

"No problem, Cesar."

Cesar seemed to get quiet, he had a shocked look on his face. He looked disgusted.

"..What did you just call me?"


The look on his face just seemed to get even more shocked.


Mark seemed to snap out of everything, he looked at Cesar closely..

It was Jonah.


"How did you- Why— Why would you mistake me for HIM?!"

"I-I didn't mean to— I thought you were-"

Jonah looked pissed, but also..Sad..Mark just looked away, not wanting to drag on the argument. He wasn't on the mood to get yelled at.

"How does that even happen? W-Why would you— HOW?! How does that happen?! How do you think I'm HIM?"

"I-I was just— My mind was clouded and-"

"No I just— Don't..Don't argue with me."

Jonah left the room, Mark seemed distraught.

He looked over at his bedside table, grabbing a bottle of painkillers.

He poured a generous amount in his palm, and downed it.

He was so disgusted with himself.

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now