It Is Not Over. Turn Back.

396 7 84

Knock, knock.

"Mandela Police Department! Open up!"

No response.

"Huh, that's Strange. Noah usually always answers the door." Sarah said, a little confusion in her voice.


Sarah started to bang on the door, Thatcher seemed surprised at this gesture.


"Jeez, Sarah. You're gonna break it do-"

And Sarah broke the door down with her shoulder, the thud of the door falling scared Thatcher a little bit.

"Done. Nobody's here."

"Sarah-.. You just broke down someone's door."

"Okay? Why do you care so much?"

"I don't."


Sarah and Thatcher both walked in the house. Seemed like nobody had been in it for a couple days. Delicate layers of dust lay still on every surface.

"Looks..Abandoned. Sarah, look upstairs, I'll check downstairs."

"Got it."

Sarah went upstairs to go search. She really didn't expect there to be a lot since the house looked vacant and empty..Abandoned, even. So, she went to what seemed like a bedroom a looked around. She specifically focused on a book shelf, looking at the many books Noah had..Pretty good reads. A note book called 'Grievances' and-

"What is this?"

A note book called grievances? That had to be important. Like a journal or something.

She took the journal off the shelf and opened it..

"I really don't think I can take this anymore. Every time I wake up I wake up in a forest, blood covering my hands and clothing. I'm becoming ravenous. I crave human meat. I can't help the hunger anymore..This needs to end. Today. I'll go to the store and pick a victim. Maybe I'll get lucky."

Sarah closed the journal. She stared at it for a while.

She remembered that Dave said that Noah spoke to a ravenette colored hair boy at the store, though Noah hadn't been seen after that. That..Didn't make any sense. Noah was supposed to be a victim, not the perpetrator. That..Wasn't supposed to happen. It-



She ran downstairs, she saw Thatcher on the stairs, holding his gun close by, she quickly went down so she wouldn't get shot.

"The fuck is going on?!" Sarah whispered, taking the gun out of her holster.

"Fuckin vampire trying to kill me..You wanna help me?"

"Of course I do, duh."

The both looked up over the ledge and started shooting at the vampire.

Sarah caught a glimpse of him. Ravenette colored hair like Cesars. Somewhat a little darker..Suit and tie..The tie was maroon. And black leather gloves..Like..Cesar. But Cesars gloves were maroon..Where these two affiliated?

The loudness of the gunshots made Sarah's ears ring but she kept steady. After minutes of doing this a few shots finally landed in the man's chest. Causing him to run away.



They both stood up and ran out the door, but when they finally got a clear image..He wasn't there..Trickles of blood led to a forest, though it stopped when the sidewalk met with the grass.

"Ugh- DAMNIT!"

Sarah was pissed. She had finally found something that sorta matched the description of what O'Brian saw. The ravenette hair was important.

"Shit- Sarah you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, why?"

"You got shot."

She looked at her shoulder, and there it was. A bullet wound right in it. I guess the adrenaline rush made her not feel the impact of the bullet..But know that she noticed it started to hurt like all hell.

"Here, let's go to the police station. I can take the bullet out."

"Alright..Fuck-..I can't believe I actually got shot."

"It'll be alright, it happens to the best of us."

"You're talking about it like it's normal."

They walked to the police station, heading to Thatchers office where he actually had the right things to get the bullet out.

"Okay you ready?"



Thatcher pushed the bullet out, making Sarah bite down on her sleeve so she wouldn't scream.

Then the blonde poured some alcohol on folded tissues and rested it on the wound, then cleaned it..Sarah just bit down on her sleeve more, after all, it burnt..A lot.

Then he wrapped bandages around her shoulder. Making her sigh.

"Holy shit-..I didn't expect that to hurt so badly."

"Don't worry, at least I cleaned it so it won't get infected, k?"


Sarah and Thatchers bond became a little closer that day.

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now