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Cesar stared at his bloodied hands, then shifted his gaze to the knife.

A generous coat of blood covered the blade.

Then, he looked at Mark.

Crying, and wincing. Unable to mutter a single word. Cesar had stabbed him in the shoulder, he looked pathetic. The stab wound looked deep..Really deep.

Mark let out a sob, but it was completely ignored.

"See? Now, was it that bad? Cesar said, belittling his feelings.

Cesar licked the knife, smiling.

"You're one of a kind, Heathcliff. I mean it."

Cesar kept his eyes on Mark, he was struggling..But he knew he couldn't get out.

Cesar could do a lot more damage.

"It's pathetic, really. I hope everyone's forgotten about you. I know your sister definitely has."

Cesar got off of Mark, giving him time to catch his breath..He grabbed the photo book from off the table, smiling.

He sat next to Mark, looking through it. Completely ignoring him.

"Wha- Guys!? What the hell!" Adam yelled.

Jonah, Mark and Cesar came to his house, dirt all over them.

"Sooo..Uh..We kinda-"

"Cesar had us over at his house gardening and uh..We did it and..Got dirty. But we got you a flower seed!" Jonah smiled.

They all smiled along with him, Adam sighed, taking the seed.

"Thank you guys, I'll go plant it!"

Adam went in his house to go get a flower pot, and came back with it..And also, his camera.

He planted the flower, and watered it. Then took a picture of it.

"..You all need to go clean up."

That feeling again. He quickly shut the book..Finally looking at Mark again.

He was still in the state we was before, but his sobs were..More clearer.

Cesar put a hand on him, he was shaking a lot..To much. It made Cesar worry, surprisingly.

He felt..Sympathy..For Mark. Keeping him in such a state..Cesar felt horrible. He hadn't felt this way in ages.

Mark was faced the other way, his knees were brought up to his chest.

It was so quiet..Occasionally interrupted by Mark sobbing..

Cesar had never touched someone who was shaking so much.

He had time to reflect, but he completely ignored it.

He had time to leave, but he never did.

He had a chance to let him leave. But he never did.

This decision..Was it hurting them both?

Guilt sunk into his mind. He was quick to try and brush it off but it didn't work..Not like last time.

Tears welded in his eyes, but he was quick to wipe them away.

He got up from the couch.

"Sleep well, Heathcliff."

Cesar walked upstairs..Leaving Mark by himself.

Cold, bleeding and exhausted.

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now