I'm Gone.

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Broken glass pricked at Cesars finger, he winced pulling it out.

Mark was gone, as expected.

Cesar knew this was gonna happen eventually.  He tried to shrug it off but the feeling ached at his stomach, eating him whole.

"I'll just..Find a different way to get you to me, then."

Mark sat still in bed..Again. After all, there was really nothing to do while your still healing..
Physically and mentally. Remembering things became a chore, sometimes he forgot to eat, not like it mattered anyway.

He sat up, ruffling his hair.


He was still sore, and aching. The pain beating at his body like a drum.

"I'm so tired.."

He brought his knees up to his head, laying his arms on them, and his head. He stared at the wall in silence.

It was like watching paint dry.

He groaned, his back aching.

Yesterday was horrible, the thought of him calling Jonah Cesar corrupted his mind. He couldn't escape from it. He was just..Sad. He didn't know that..He'd do that. Let alone call Jonah Cesar. He knew he would've hated that, especially after expressing his guilt.

Mark pulled at his hoodie string, wanting to cry a little. He was stressed, tired and in pain.

Sarah opened the door, and Mark looked up.

"Oh..Uh..Hey, Sarah."

"Hey Mark, how're you doing?"


"Huh? Why?"

Sarah didn't expect Mark to be so straightforward.

"I accidentally..Uhm..I-"

Mark tried to force out words but only mumbles came out.

"I- Called Jonah Cesar..On accident."

Sarah went..Almost silent, but she quickly broke it.


"I..I dunno. I thought he was Cesar and I completely just— messed up."

Mark sighed.

"Oh god..I'm sorry, Mark."

"I'm not the one that should be getting an apology..I really need to apologize to Jonah but I don't know what to say."

Sarah sat down on a chair, next to the bed.

"It'll take a while to find the correct words, I've been in your position before."


"It's best to let it wait for a little..It seems that there was a lot of tension that has still yet to be lifted, I just hope you two can settle it soon. I..Hate when you two argue."

"It wasn't really an argument..I think..I-It was just.."

Mark looked away.

"I can't find the right words." He shamefully admitted.

It was weird. It seemed like everyone wanted to help him..Everyone knew how to do it all except for him. He couldn't do anything at all. He was just..Nearly useless..He felt like he had no worth, he completely zoned out, his head in his thoughts.

"Mark? Are you listening?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah I am..Sorry."

Sarah continued.

"I'm just..Sorry you two had to say all that to each other."

"No it's- it's okay..It wasn't that bad.."

"Still, I know that made the both of you feel horrible."

Mark felt had at the fact that Sarah was right, he felt guilty for thinking that..He looked off.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Sarah got up.


Sarah left, shutting the door behind her.


𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now