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Kaiden stormed into Thatchers office. Even though was young he was still gonna speak his mind.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?!"

Thatcher looked confused at first..A stern look on his face.

"What are you talking about?"

"Fuckin- Noah! Your treating him like he's some sorta- serial killer!"

"It's obvious you don't know the severity of having someone like HIM roam around the town."

"Wh..And you'll just let fuckin- Vampires run about?! You haven't done ANYTHING ye—"

"The police station is doing its best. And if yo-"

"STOP TALKING OVER ME! Your just telling me things I already know! Your being stupid!"

"Your acting like a child.."

"I'm just trying to help my friend! And if you don't know WHAT to do to help him then stay out of my damn way!"

Kaiden swept some papers off of Thatchers desk. He looked offended.

"What the hell do you think your doing?"

Thatcher got a bit closer to Kaiden, but he didn't back down.

"Just- stay away from him! Your literally doing NOTHING but making things worse!"

"I'm trying to make things better for all of us, kid."

"No. Your trying to make things better yourself. You haven't done shit for us! Why are you trying now?!"


"STOP! Just- Stop fucking talking! Y-Your just- making shit worse!"

"..I can't believe you'd support a guy like that."

"He's my friend! I can't just leave him to die! And you have no place speaking to me like that, Lieutenant."

"He EATS people, Kaiden."


Thatcher cut him off.

"It's best you don't talk. I'm this close to getting physical." Thatcher said, obviously getting pissed.

"You're- you fuckin sicko! All because I'm trying to help my friend!"

"I feel like my reasoning is humane."

"So you'd just- try and hurt a kid?! Are you fucking stupid?!"

"Don't talk to me like that."

He pointed at him.

"I'll talk to you however I want to! You aren't gonna hurt me nor my friend! You can suck my dick!"

"Get your finger out of my face, Kaiden."

"Stop fucking— Stop trying to talk to me about things I know, I'm not letting you—"

With a swift movement, Thatcher yanked Kaiden up, slamming him down on his desk and holding his head down.

"Ghh—! Get off of me! Stop!"

Thatcher took out his pocket knife.

"Maybe this'll teach you to stop being a smartass, yeah?"

"Hey-! Wait! N-No I'm sorry! Stop! STOP-! Get off—!"

A quick cut, straight through the skin.

Kaiden didn't have the power to scream.

"Go back to your cannibal friend, yeah?"

He let go of Kaiden, him immediately falling onto his knees, grasping his neck so more blood wouldn't pool out of his throat.

"..And do me a favor."

Thatcher said, getting down to his level. He put a finger over Kaidens mouth.

"Don't tell anyone."

𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now