Old Friend.

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"Hello?..Who is this?"

"Do you not remember me, Mark?.."

"Evelin! Oh my goodness! It's been forever!"

"Yeah! It sure has. I missed you!"

"We all missed you too!" Mark replied warmly, he felt calmer talking to Evelin..He was at the hospital right now, with Adam. He held Adams hand while he was asleep.

"How about you come over for old times sake, huh? I've been dying to see you after I heard you were safe again!"

"I dunno..I'm kinda spending time with Adam right now..You can ask Jonah though!"

"Awh..Bummer..But alright! Talk to you later!"



Jonah was watching tv, just laid back, there had been nothing to do..He was pretty bored.



"Yello? Jonah Marshall here."

"Jonah! It's great hearing from you again!"

"Oh, hey Eve, long time no see."

"Yeah! It's been a long time..Wanna catch up with each other?"

"Of course! I'd love to hear from you again."

"Alright! Meet at my house?"

"It's a plan."

Jonah hung up, getting up from the couch and putting some shoes on, grabbing a jacket and walking out.

He walked through the grass to Evelin's house..It still looked the same..The same scenery..Ah, the memories..

Jonah knocked at the door, it opened..But then he immediately got pulled into the house.


"Ah!— Evelin! What the fuck!—.."

She didn't speak, she held Jonah down while a figure gave her a knife..Jonah couldn't make out who it was but he didn't care, he was trying to overpower her..

To no avail.

Evelin plunged the knife into Jonah's chest. He..Blacked..Out?..





Jonah woke up, in a basement. He had dried tears on his cheeks. He struggled..His lungs fought to breathe, his hands shook, he was..Scared.


He looked at the two figures.

Focus, Jonah.

It was Evelin and Cesar, grinning at the helpless male.

"You— Evelin! What the fuck are you doing!?"

"Oh..Nothing! Just helping Cesar.."

"Mhm! We've teamed up now! Aren't you proud of us?"

"I- I- uh.."

Jonah was confused. Why would Eve betray him like this? Why..Why. Why now. Why while Adam was in the hospital.


Jonah jumped, he felt the pain in his chest from being stabbed, but he was bandaged up?..

Eve smiled.

"I patched you up real well huh? So you won't lose unnecessary blood..And, so we can savor you..You're going to be delicious."

Jonah knew what was going on. When he was useless they were going to eat him. Jonah was confused..And..Worried..For everyone but Eve and Cesar.

"You're already doing a great job..Keeping so quiet!" Cesar smiled..It was a crooked evil smile, he knew what he was doing and he was proud of it.

"Y-You are both fucking sick! I'll kill you! I'LL KILL BOTH OF YOU!—"

They just laughed, laughed right in Jonah's face while he struggled.

Jonah had never felt this before, it was new to him.

He felt..


𝘖𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘴𝘦.Where stories live. Discover now